Cabinet – 4 December 2017


PRESENT:-   Councillor Waltham (Chairman) in the Chair.

Councillors J Davison, Hannigan, Marper, Poole, Reed, Rose and C Sherwood.

Councillors Allcock, Armiger, Clark, A Davison, Ellerby, L Foster, Gosling, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, O’Sullivan, Perry, Wilson and Wells also attended the meeting.

Denise Hyde, Simon Green, Mick Gibbs, Becky McIntyre, Helen Manderson, K Pavey, Penny Spring, Peter Williams, Dr Phil Kirby, Edwina Harrison, Moira Wilson and Richard Mell also attended the meeting.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

1282   DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS – Councillor O’Sullivan declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item 7 (minute 1284 refers) as a lead governor of Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust.

1283   MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 10 October 2017, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

1284   (15)    CHILDHOOD VACCINATION AND IMMUNISATION (SCRUTINY REPORT) – ACTION PLAN – Further to minute 1225, the Director: Public Health submitted a report which considered a draft action plan arising from and in response to the People Scrutiny Panel’s report and recommendations on ‘Childhood Vaccination and Immunisation’. Increasing the rate of childhood vaccination was a key public health concern to ensure that local children and young people were kept safe and healthy. The draft action plan which was appended to the report, had now been completed and presented to the above scrutiny panel. The panel was fully supportive of the action plan and would monitor its progress

The Director and Dr Phil Kirby (Screening and Immunisation Lead (North Yorkshire and Humber) Public Health NHS England – North referred to the scrutiny panel’s recommendations, action taken to date in response and future proposed action.

Resolved – That the draft action plan be received, approved and adopted

1285   (16) FORTHCOMING ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report which contained a schedule of forthcoming issues on which cabinet had requested reports to future meetings.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

1286   (17)    BUDGET REVIEW 2017/18 AND MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN UPDATE – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report informing the cabinet of the current performance in respect of revenue and capital budgets for 2017/18, and sought approval in respect of the latest revised budget for revenue and the capital programme.

In addition, the report outlined the process for setting the budget for the next financial year and the principles for financial planning for the future

The Director in her report set out and explained the above under the headings ‘2017/18 Budget Position’ and ‘2018/23 Medium Term Financial Plan’ and provided specific detail in associated appendices.

Resolved – (a) That the revenue and capital budget monitoring position for 2017/18 set out in appendix 1 of the report be noted; (b) that the revenue budget adjustment and latest revised budget position for 2017/18 summarised in appendix 2 of the report be approved; (c) that the capital adjustments outlined at appendix 3 and the revised capital programme be approved, and (d) that the principles of the 2018/23 medium term financial planning process set out at appendix 4 of the report and with the addition of the following below be approved –

·                  ‘This council promotes community empowerment, and communities determining local solutions on low risk activities;

·                  The council will spend within the resources that growth allows in order to provide services, and

·                  The council will enable community initiatives which support the social and economic wellbeing of its residents.

1287   (18)    LOCAL SAFEGUARDING ADULTS BOARD (LSAB) – ANNUAL REPORT 2016/17 – The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing submitted a report presenting the Local Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016/2017. The Independent Chair of the Board, Moira Wilson, introduced and summarised the annual report. The annual report was attached as an appendix to the Director’s report.

The Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) had a statutory requirement to publish an annual report which offered assurance that local safeguarding arrangements and partners worked together to help and protect adults with care and support needs in its area.  It was a requirement of the annual report that it was submitted to the Head of Paid Service, Leader of the Council, the Local Police and Crime Commissioner, Healthwatch and the Chairman of the Local Health and Wellbeing Board.  The guidance supporting the Care Act 2014 stated that the LSAB must publish an annual report detailing what it had done during the year to achieve its main objectives and its strategic plan, as well as detailing the findings of any Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs).

The Director’s report outlined the progress made in respect of the LSCBs statutory functions and priorities for 2016/17, including progress against LSCB priority areas and listed headline achievements.

Members commented on the contents of the report and the annual report and thanked everyone involved for their work.

Resolved – (a)That the LSAB Annual Report for 2016/2017 be received and its publication noted; (b) that submission of the annual report for information to the local Police and Crime Commissioner, Health and Wellbeing Board, Healthwatch and Adults Partnership Board be noted, with the expectation that they consider fully the contents of the report and how they can improve their contributions to both safeguarding throughout their own organisations and to the joint work of the Board; (c) that the annual report be published on their websites, and (d) that Moira Wilson and all staff involved be thanked for their work.

1288   (19)    LOCAL SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD (LSCB) – ANNUAL REVIEW REPORT 2016-2017 – The Director: Children and Community Resilience submitted a report presenting the LSCB Annual Report for 2016/2017.  The report stated that the LSCB had a statutory requirement to publish an annual report on the effectiveness of child safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the local area. The annual report was attached as an appendix to the Director’s report.

The statutory guidance set out in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ stated that the annual review report should be a rigorous and transparent assessment of the performance and effectiveness of local safeguarding arrangements.  It was a requirement of the annual report that it was submitted to the Head of Paid Service, the Leader of the Council, the Local Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board. Also, the report should be considered by relevant agencies in relation to planning, commissioning and budget setting.

Edwina Harrison, the Independent Chair of the Board attended the meeting, introduced and summarised the annual report and the future role of the Board.

The Director’s report outlined the progress made in respect of the LSCBs statutory functions, included progress against LSCB priority areas, listed headline achievements and set out the LSCB priority themes for 2016/17.

Members commented on the contents of the report and the annual report and thanked everyone involved for their work.

Resolved – (a) That the LSCB Annual Review Report for 2016/2017 be received and considered where relevant in relation to planning, commissioning and budget setting processes, and (b) that Edwina Harrison and all staff involved be thanked for their work.