Annual General Meeting – 15 May 2012

THE MAYOR – Councillor Keith Vickers

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Armitage, Bainbridge, J Briggs, Mrs Bromby, Bunyan, Carlile, Clark, Collinson, Davison, Eckhardt, Ellerby, England, Evison, L Foster, T Foster, Glover, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Jawaid, Kirk, Marper, Ogg, Oldfield, O’Sullivan, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood,  N Sherwood,  Swift, P Vickers,  Waltham, Wardle, Wells, Whiteley and Wilson.

The council met at The Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.

2082  MAYOR’S REMARKS – The Mayor welcomed fellow councillors, officers and members of the public to the meeting.  The Mayor then referred to the recent sad death of Councillor Barkworth who had been a member of North Lincolnshire Council from its establishment in April 1996.  He had also served as Mayor in 2002/2003.  He paid tribute to Councillor Barkworth’s many years of public service.

A minute’s silence was then observed in memory of Councillor Barkworth.

2083  ELECTION OF MAYOR – Following the opening remarks made by Councillor Vickers, the council proceeded to elect a Mayor.

Moved by Councillor Bunyan and seconded by Councillor Briggs –

That Councillor Ivan Glover be elected Mayor of North Lincolnshire Council for the ensuing year until his successor becomes entitled to act as Mayor.

Motion Carried

Councillor Glover then made a declaration of acceptance of office in accordance with Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.

At this point Councillor Glover took the chair.

Councillor Glover then expressed his thanks to the council for his appointment and spoke of his hopes for his year in office.

2084  VOTE OF THANKS TO RETIRING MAYOR – Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Kirk –

That the council expresses to Councillor Keith Vickers sincere thanks for the most able way in which he has carried out the duties of Mayor of the council during the past year.

Motion Carried

2085  APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR – The council proceeded to the appointment of a Deputy Mayor –

Moved by Councillor Wardle and seconded by Councillor Wells –

That Councillor Peter Clark be appointed Deputy Mayor of North Lincolnshire Council for the ensuing year.

Motion Carried

Councillor Clark then made a declaration of acceptance of office in accordance with Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.

2086  TO REPORT THE ELECTION OF NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE’S FIRST YOUNG MAYOR – Reference was made to the recent election of North Lincolnshire’s first Young Mayor.

Moved by Councillor Waltham and seconded by Councillor Mrs Redfern –

That the council note the election of Kal Alcock-Murtagh as North Lincolnshire’s first Young Mayor.

 Motion Carried


Moved by Councillor England and seconded by Councillor Mrs Redfern –

That meetings of the council be held at the time indicated on the following dates –

Tuesday 17 July 2012 – 5.00 p.m.
Tuesday 27 November 2012 – 2.00 p.m.
Tuesday 19 February 2013 – 5.00 p.m.
Tuesday 14 May 2013 – 10.30 a.m. (Annual Meeting)

Moved by Councillor Kirk and seconded by Councillor L Foster as an amendment –

That the council approve the following dates for meetings of the council in accordance with Section 2 Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972.  Meetings to be held as indicated –

Tuesday 17 July 2012 – 6.00 p.m.
Tuesday 18 September 2012 – 6.00 p.m.
Tuesday 27 November 2012 – 6.00 p.m.
Tuesday 19 February 2013 – 6.00 p.m.
Tuesday 12 March 2013 – 6.00 p.m.
Tuesday 14 May 2013 – 10.30 a.m. (Annual Meeting)

Amendment Lost
Motion Carried

2088  (1)  THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 – REVISED STANDARDS ARRANGEMENTS – The Director of Corporate and Community Services submitted a report seeking council’s approval to the adoption of its revised standards arrangements following the enactment of the Localism Act 2011.  The report indicated that arising out of the Localism Act the current standards regime had been abolished and it had introduced a new regime with a number of key features as detailed in the report.  All councils had a duty to promote and maintain high standard of conduct by its members and the new regime aimed to achieve this.

The council had received a detailed report on the key changes at its meeting held on 21 February 2012 and had appointed a cross party, Localism Act committee to oversee and establish the new arrangements.  The recommendations within the report now submitted had been considered by that committee and council was invited to adopt those arrangements so that they were in place in readiness for the implementation of the new regime from 1 July 2012.  The report also recommended that the council re-establish the current standards committee to discharge the existing regime until the 30 June 2012.

Moved by Councillor Poole and seconded by Councillor England –

That the recommendations contained in the report be approved and adopted including the appointment of Mr Wayne Harvie and Mr Paul Kelly as two co-opted, non voting, members of the new Standards Committee.

Motion Carried

2089  NOTIFICATION OF GROUP LEADERS AND SECRETARIES – The Chief Executive reported the following notifications in relation to the appointment of Group Leaders, Specified Representatives (Deputy Leader) and Secretaries.

Conservative Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Redfern Councillor John Briggs Councillor John England
Labour Councillor Mark Kirk Councillor Len Foster Councillor Steve Swift

Resolved – That the report be noted.

2090  NUMBER OF MEMBERS TO BE APPOINTED TO THE CABINET – Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs –

That six members be the Executive and that the under mentioned members be appointed to the cabinet as shown –

Councillor Mrs Redfern (Leader) Regeneration
Councillor John Briggs (Deputy Leader) Asset Management, Culture and Housing
Councillor Neil Poole Policy and Resources
Councillor Carl Sherwood Customer Services, Sport and Leisure
Councillor Nigel Sherwood Highways and Neighbourhoods
Councillor Rob Waltham People

Motion Carried

2091  (2)  LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND HOUSING ACT 1989 – POLITICAL BALANCE AND NOTIFICATION OF A VACANCY ON THE COUNCIL – Having regard to the report of the Director of Corporate and Community Services entitled “Local Government and Housing Act 1989 – Political Balance and Notification of a Vacancy on the Council”, the representation of the different political groups on each committee/panel was reviewed.

Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs –

That committees/panels and key outside bodies be appointed until the date of the annual meeting of the council in 2013 or such earlier date as may be determined from time to time by the council, and the number of members be as shown.

Number of
Planning Committee 10 6 4
Licensing Committee 15 8 7
People Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2
Places Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2
Corporate Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2
Health Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2

(plus 2 Church Representatives – voting )  In relation to education
(plus 2 Parent Governors – voting          )  issues

Audit Committee  7 4 3
Appeals Committee Pool 12 6 6
Standards Committee
(From 1.7.2012 (plus
two co-opted non-voting
7 4 3
Standards Committee
(Existing regime until
6 4 2

(plus 3 Independent Representatives)
(plus 3 Parish Council Representatives)

Police Authority
Appointments Panel
3 2 1
Humberside Combined
Fire Authority
4 3 1
Humberside Police
1 1
Humber Bridge Board 1 1
Parent Company – Group
(North Lincolnshire Homes)
1 1
North Lincolnshire
Homes Board
2 2
Humberside Airport
1 1
North Lincolnshire
Adoption Panel
2 2

Motion Carried

2092  MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES/PANELS – Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs

That the membership of committees/panels be as follows:-


Conservative (6)
Labour (4)
Allcock Ali
Bunyan (C) Bainbridge
England Collinson
Rowson Grant
N Sherwood
Wardle (VC)


Conservative (8)
Labour (7)
Allcock Armitage
Clark Carlile
Eckhardt Ellerby
T Foster Jawaid
Glover Oldfield
K Vickers (C) O’Sullivan
P Vickers (VC) Whiteley

(Existing Regime until 30.6.2012) 

Conservative (4)
Labour (2)
Clark Davison
England Whiteley


Independent Representatives (3) Parish Council Representative (3)
Mr D H Cuckson Councillor Mrs Y Aubrey
Mr P Kelly Councillor J Kitwood
Mr W Harvie Councillor R Nixon

(New Regime from 1.7.2012) 

Conservative (4)
Labour (3)
Clark Davison
England (VC) Swift
Poole (C) Whiteley


Membership of appeals committees to deal with individual cases to be appointed as required from eligible members as set out below –

Conservative (6)
Labour (6)
T Foster Collinson
Glover Davison
Marper Ellerby
Ogg Grant
Poole O’Sullivan
P Vickers Swift


Conservative (4)
Labour (3)
Eckhardt (C) Gosling
England (VC) Whiteley
T Foster Wilson


Conservative (3)
Labour (2)
Evison Collinson
Marper (C) Godfrey


Conservative (3)
Labour (2)
Clark Davison
England Oldfield
T Foster (C)


Conservative (3)
Labour (2)
Robinson (C) Jawaid
P Vickers Wilson


Conservative (3)
Mrs Bromby (C) Bainbridge
Eckhardt Barker


Church Representatives Parent Governor Representatives
Mrs W Witter Mrs A Dunkerley)  Scrutiny Panel
Mr N Craven      )
Mr W Egan

Note:   The Church representatives and the Parent Governor representatives are entitled to attend meetings dealing with education issues.  Parent governor representatives will be entitled to substitute for one another as and when required.

Moved by Councillor Kirk and seconded by Councillor L Foster as an amendment –

That council agrees to the membership of committees, panels and key outside bodies as follows subject to the Planning Committee being six Conservative members and five Labour members and the North Lincolnshire Homes Board being two Conservative members and one Labour member.

Amendment Lost
Motion Carried


To be moved by Councillor Liz Redfern and seconded by Councillor John Briggs

That Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees/Panels be appointed as follows:-

Committee/Panel Chairman Vice-Chairman
Planning Committee Councillor Arthur Bunyan Councillor John Wardle
Licensing Committee Councillor Keith Vickers Councillor Paul Vickers
Audit Committee Councillor William Eckhardt Councillor John England
People Scrutiny Panel Councillor Elaine Marper Councillor John Collinson
Places Scrutiny Panel Councillor Trevor Foster Councillor Andrea Davison
Corporate Scrutiny Panel Councillor David Robinson Councillor Stuart Wilson
Health Scrutiny Panel Councillor Mrs Jean Bromby Councillor Trevor Barker
Standards Committee
(From 1.7.2012)
Councillor Neil Poole Councillor John England
Standards Committee
(Existing Regime until
(To be appointed)
Appeals Committee (To be appointed at each meeting)

Motion Carried

2094  APPOINTMENT OF LEAD MEMBERS – Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs –

That Lead Members be appointed as follows –

Councillor Ron Allcock – Highways

Councillor Jonathan Evison – Corporate and Community

Councillor Ralph Ogg – Highways

Councillor David Robinson – Sport and Leisure

Councillor Helen Rowson – Children and Adults

Councillor David Wells – Finance and Procurement

Motion Carried

2095  (3)  CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNANCE ISSUES – Members had before them a report by the Director of Corporate and Community Services outlining proposed amendments to the Constitution to facilitate changes to the council’s working arrangements.

The amendments necessary to facilitate these changes were set out in the report and the accompanying appendices.

Moved by Councillor England and seconded by Councillor Mrs Redfern –

That the recommendations detailed in the report and appendices be approved and adopted and the Constitution be amended and where appropriate re-numbered accordingly.

At the request of members and in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.23(d) the names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the motion are as follows –

FOR:  Councillors Allcock, Briggs, Mrs Bromby, Bunyan, Clark, Eckhardt, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Marper, Ogg, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle and Wells.

AGAINST:  Councillors Ali, Armitage, Bainbridge, Carlile, Collinson, Davison, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Jawaid, Kirk, Oldfield, O’Sullivan, Swift, Whiteley and Wilson.


Motion Carried

2096  (4)  PROPOSED CHANGES TO CONTRACT PROCEDURE RULES – Members had before them a report by the Director of Finance outlining proposed changes to the council’s Contract Procedure Rules.

The key points in the report were that the contract procedure rules had last been updated in May 2010, and that a number of additions and amendments were required to ensure that they met the expectations of elected members and reflected service needs for modern, responsive and flexible processes that meet professional standards and legislative requirements and would enable the council to continue its support for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs), social enterprises and third sector organisations in accessing council contracts.

Moved by Councillor Neil Poole and seconded by Councillor Mrs Redfern –

That the proposed changes to the council’s Contract Procedure Rules be approved.

Motion Carried

2097  (5)  MEMBERS’ ALLOWANCES – Members had before them a report of the Director of Corporate and Community Services with the attached report of the Elected Members’ Remuneration Panel for 2012/2013.  The council was asked to consider the contents of the report with a view to approving a revised scheme of members’ allowances for 2012/2013.

Each year the council was required to make an annual scheme for members’ allowances based on advice from the Elected Members Independent Remuneration Panel.  This was the thirteenth year that the panel had considered members’ allowances.  The panel consisted of members representing the multi-faith community, the voluntary sector and business communities.  The detailed report of the panel was attached as an appendix to the Director’s report and the report itself contained a number of recommendations.

Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs –

(a) That the panel be thanked for its work; (b) that a members’ allowance scheme for 2012/2013 be adopted as attached to include a freeze in the basic allowance, a freeze in allowances for the Leader, the Deputy Leader, the Mayor, Cabinet Members, the Leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Mayor and Lead Members and various reductions in special responsibility allowances as indicated to show an overall further reduction of 1.4% in members’ allowances above the 10% reduction in 2011/2012, and (c) that the introduction of the fourth scrutiny panel to scrutinise health be welcomed.

Group Special Responsibility Allowance Proposed New Allowance
1 Leader of the Council 19,764
2 Deputy Leader of the Council 13,090
Mayor 13,090
3 Cabinet Members (x4) 11,291
Chairman of Planning Committee 10,162
Chairman of Licensing Committee 9,033
Chairman of Scrutiny Panels (x4) 9,597
4 Secretary of Majority Group 10,162
Leader of Minority Group 9,882
5 Chairman of Audit Committee 5,902
Deputy Mayor 6,558
Deputy Leader of Minority Group 6,545
6 Vice Chairman of Planning Committee 4,957
Vice Chairman of Licensing Committee 4,406
Vice Chairman of Scrutiny Panels (x4) 4,681
Secretary to Minority Group 5,081
Lead Members (x6) 5,508
Appeals Committee £281 per annum
Co-optees Allowance £42.00 per meeting attended
Basic Allowance £6,874
The dependents’ carers allowance (including child care)
will no longer be included in the scheme

Moved by Councillor Kirk and seconded by Councillor L Foster as an amendment –

(a) That the Remuneration Panel be thanked for its work; (b) that the council accepts the recommendations of the Panel in their entirety to take effect from 15 May, 2012, and (c) that appropriate officers publicise the scheme in accordance with the 2003 regulations.

Amendment Lost

At the request of members and in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.23(d) the names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the motion are as follows –

FOR:  Councillors Allcock, Briggs, Mrs Bromby, Bunyan, Clark, Eckhardt, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Marper, Ogg, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle and Wells.


ABSTAINING:  Councillors Ali, Armitage, Bainbridge, Carlile, Collinson, Davison, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Jawaid, Kirk, Oldfield, O’Sullivan, Swift, Whiteley and Wilson. 

Motion Carried<a

2098  TIMETABLE OF MEETINGS 2012/2013 – The Director of Corporate and Community Services submitted a proposed timetable of meetings for 2012/2013.

Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs –

That the timetable of meetings for 2012/2013 be approved and adopted.

Motion Carried