Special Meeting of the Council 10 October 2016

 PresentTHE MAYOR – Councillor T Foster

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Armiger, Armitage, Briggs, Clark, A Davison, Evison, L Foster, Glover, Godfrey, Grant, Hannigan, Kataria, Marper, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, O’Sullivan, Perry, Baroness Mrs Redfern, Reed, Robinson, Rose, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wells, and Wilson.

The council met at The Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.


2470 TO CONSIDER PARAGRAPH D1.30 OF PART D RULE 1 OF THE COUNCIL’S PROCEDURE RULES AND DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC UNDER SECTION 100(A) OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 – The Monitor Officer informed the Council that members when considering item 3 on the agenda (minute 2471 below refers) would need to consider paragraph D1.30 of Part D Rule 1 – Council Procedure Rules as follows –

‘No meeting of the Council, the Executive, Committee or Sub-Committee shall consider any issue relating to the appointment, promotion, dismissal, salary, superannuation, conditions of service or the conduct of any employee, or former employee until it has considered whether to exercise the power of exclusion of the public under section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972’.

He reminded members that previous consideration by Council on such matters had remained in public, and emphasised that the nature of the debate may require Council to re-consider if necessary.

Resolved – That item 3 on the agenda (minute 2471 refers) be considered in public.

2471   TO CONSIDER RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE APPOINTMENT AND EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE HELD ON MONDAY 10 OCTOBER 2016 (9:30AM) – Further to minute 2447, the Interim Head of Paid Service reported orally that the Appointment and Employment Committee had met at 9:30am that morning to consider an application for the post of Executive Director: People and Transformation. As this post was to be the future Head of Paid Service and Returning Officer the council was required to consider and approve the committees’ recommendations, having the final decision – hence the special meeting of the Council.

The Interim Head of Paid Service in his report thanked the Assistant Director: Human Resources, Helen Manderson and other staff involved in the appointment process for helping the council to get to the position today.

He reported that the Appointment and Employment Committee received one application for the above post from the current Director of People, Denise Hyde and explained the interview process which included a presentation on key aspects of the new role and responsibilities. On the basis of that process, the Committee had recommended Denise Hyde to be appointed to the post of Executive Director – People and Transformation.

The Interim Head of Paid Service also explained that the Committee proposed that Denise’s start date be by 1 November 2016. This was to allow decisions to be taken as to which officers would take on the statutory roles of Director of Children Services and Director of Adult Services on an interim basis until Phase 2 of the senior management review of the Council was completed. Consequently, the committee had delegated determining this responsibility to himself in consultation with the Chairman of the Appointment and Employment Committee.

It was moved by Councillor Baroness Redfern and seconded by Councillor Waltham –

(a) That the appointment of Denise Hyde to the post of Executive Director: People and Transformation, to commence by 1 November 2016, be approved, and (b) that the council notes that the Interim Head of Paid Service in consultation with the chairman of the Appointment and Employment Committee be authorised to agree required interim arrangements for statutory officers prior to a commencement date being confirmed with the Executive Director: People and Transformation.

Motion Carried