Highways and Planning Cabinet Member – Minutes – 27 March 2009

51 (19) HIGHWAYS AND PLANNING FEES AND CHARGES 2009-10 – The Service Director Highways and Planning submitted an urgent report seeking approval to fix the levels of fees and charges for the financial year 2009/10 in relation to the Highways & Planning Service.

Services were required to consider fees and charges on an annual basis. Fees and charges should be considered in line with the corporate charging policy. The charging policy indicated that fees and charges, where possible, should be inflated by a minimum of 2.5% per annum.

Fees and charges were re-assessed annually and increased by inflation as appropriate. An urgent decision was needed to enable charges to be implemented from 1 April.

The proposed fees and charges for Highways and Planning were also influenced by service objectives. Appendix 1 showed in more detail the current and proposed fees and charges for the Highways and Planning service.

Resolved – That the Highways and Planning fees and charges for 2009/10, as set out in the appendix to the report, be approved.