Corporate Services and Housing and Strategic Planning Cabinet Members – minutes – 19 August 2008

1 (1) RURAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING SCHEME, WOODSIDE LANE, WROOT – The Head of Strategic Regeneration, Housing and Development and the Service Director Asset Management and Culture submitted a joint report seeking approval for the sale of a site in Wroot for affordable housing.

The Northern Lincolnshire Rural Housing Enabler carried out a Housing Needs Survey in the village of Wroot in partnership with the local parish council in November 2005.

The survey indicated a need for:

  • 11 affordable homes for the people of Wroot.
  • Predominately two bed properties were required with a smaller need for three.
  • A mix of rent and shared ownership were needed.

The council had a duty to enable the development of affordable housing to meet identified needs. However:

  • Councils rarely had the resources to build affordable housing and were prohibited from doing so until recently.
  • The planning system could not meet all housing needs.
  • One of the main ways to enable the building of affordable housing was to provide development sites at nil or subsidised cost.

The parish council had suggested the disused, former garage site on Woodside Lane in Wroot. The council originally purchased it for the provision of affordable housing provision in 1996. The site had remained undeveloped since. As an exception site its value was less than if it were within development limits, it was currently not developable for private housing.

Resolved – (a) That the sale of the land at Woodside Lane, Wroot to the South Yorkshire Housing Association for £30,000 be approved, and (b) that Cabinet Members receive further reports on the progress of the scheme.