Leader of the Council – Minutes – 20 May 2008

36 (1) APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE – BARTON AND DISTRICT TWINNING ASSOCIATION – The Service Director Legal and Democratic submitted a report in connection with this year’s exchange between Barton and District Twinning Association and Feyzin, France. This year a party of some 25 people from Feyzin would be visiting North Lincolnshire in July. A full programme of events and visits had been arranged. This exchange had been in existence for some 20 years and continued to grow in strength. The application was for financial assistance towards the costs involved.

Resolved – That a grant of £200 be made to the Barton and District Twinning Association in the financial year 2008/2009.

37 (2) SCRUTINISING PERFORMANCE FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES OUTCOMES – The Service Director Legal and Democratic submitted a report in connection with a one day seminar to be held on Wednesday 25 June 2008 in Birmingham organised by the Institute of Local Government Studies in connection with Scrutinising Performance for Adults and Children’s Services Outcomes. Performance in Adults and Children’s Services had to be based on leadership and management and not just on measurement. Responding to the broader concepts involved in managing performance problems would enable members to participate proactively in improving council services.

Resolved – That Councillor S Wilson and one officer be authorised to attend the above mentioned seminar.