Highways Planning and Energy Cabinet Member – Minutes – 4 August 2010

The original decision of the cabinet member (minute 96 refers) having been called-in and considered by the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Panel (minute 120 refers) was referred back to the cabinet member to consider confirming the original decision or agreeing to change the decision having considered representations made by the panel. The subsequent decision of the cabinet member is set out below

97 (4) PARKING DISPENSATIONS AND SUSPENSIONS – The Service Director Highways and Planning submitted a report seeking approval for a scale of fees and charges for the processing of parking dispensations and suspensions.

On 1 March 2010 the council introduced Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) throughout North Lincolnshire. The Traffic Regulation Order which covered all the parking restrictions did contain exemptions for certain organisations such as the emergency services. Circumstances had arisen where individuals needed to park in restricted areas for longer than was permitted or where parking was otherwise restricted. In such cases it was deemed appropriate for the council to consider issuing a dispensation or to suspend a parking restriction, for which they were authorised to make a charge.

A dispensation could be granted to allow for such things as building works or removals to take place but only where there was no reasonable alternative parking available. A suspension could be granted for such things as special events which took longer than the permitted time allowed to park on that restriction.

In deciding whether or not a dispensation was required, consideration would be given to the nature of the work, whether or not it fell into the exempted categories and, particularly, whether the persons or organisations undertaking the work were covered otherwise by highway-related legislation, such as the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) or the Traffic Management Act (TMA).

The highway authority would endeavour to apply the system of dispensations and suspensions fairly and equitably, including the charges applied, taking into account the nature of the work being undertaken. Consideration may be given to waiving costs, for example, in the case of town or parish council sponsored community activities.

Resolved – That the level of fees and charges outlined within the appendix to the report be approved.