Sport, Leisure & Culture Cabinet Member – Minutes – 11 February 2011

97 (15) PLOWRIGHT THEATRE HIRE FEES– The Director Infrastructure Services submitted a report for consideration of the fees and charges for the Plowright Theatre for 2011 – 2012.

It was explained that the hire fees needed setting to allow confirmation of bookings for the coming year as this would enable the Drama Federation to plan their programme. The agreement between SMG and the council required the pricing policy to be agreed between both parties as SMG would take over the operation of the theatre as from April 2011

SMG had proposed an increase on existing fees based on current inflation (RPI) pending a more fundamental review in the new financial year for 2012-13. This was in line with the approach that council officers would have recommended had previous management arrangements for the theatre continued.

The Director explained that the proposal was intended to enable a widest range of community groups to continue to be able to use the theatre, including the Youth Arts Festival and Drama Federation. The proposal would contribute towards delivering on the Sustainable Community Strategy Shared Ambition SI 3/4 – improving wellbeing by promoting participation in leisure and cultural activities, and National Indicator 11 – Engagement in the Arts.

Resolved – (a) That the proposed fees and charges set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved, and (b) that a review of the current charging structure be undertaken with all parties between June and October 2011, in readiness for the 2012-13 season