Highways and Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minute – 28 July 2011

11 (11) REQUEST TO AMEND TENANCY AGREEMENT TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES – The Director of Neighbourhood and Environment Services submitted a report seeking approval of a request by North Lincolnshire Homes to vary their tenancy agreement to allow the installation of photo voltaic solar panels.

North Lincolnshire Homes (‘NLH’) were in discussions with installers regarding the installation of Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) panels on some of its properties so that electricity could be generated without emitting carbon dioxide. There was a list of criteria that had to be met in order for a property to be considered viable in the project, and NLH were currently engaged in these investigations, together with negotiations on the overarching agreement for the project.

The main principle of this agreement was that NLH would allow the equipment to be installed onto the property in return for the ability to receive some “free” electricity for the tenant during the hours of generation.

NLH had requested a Deed of Variation to the existing tenancy agreement. This was because many of the properties likely to be included in this project were inevitably going to be households who were tenants of the council prior to the stock transfer.

Resolved – That the request from North Lincolnshire Homes for a Deed of Variation be approved.