Customer services, Sports & Leisure Cabinet Member – Minutes – 9 April 2013

20        (20)  REGISTRATION SERVICE FEES AND CHARGES –  The Director of Places submitted a report which sought approval of a three year programme of fees for statutory ceremonies in Approved Premises and other non-statutory services.

The government set statutory fees for some registration services using a complex formula that was based on returns to the Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG).  The fees were not designed to cover the full cost of providing registration services and the last increase in statutory fees was in April 2012.

It was explained that customers often wished to book services well in advance and for this reason a schedule of fees to cover the next three years was proposed. The schedule would be subject to ongoing review during this time and further changes might be proposed in response to levels of take up or new services.  The proposed fees and charges were set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

Resolved – (a) That the changes to Registration Service fees and charges be approved, and (b) that the new fees be implemented with effect from 1 April 2013.