Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minutes – 16 August 2012

96           (13) TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER – SCHOOL SAFETY MEASURES WEST STREET AREA, WINTERTONThe Director of Places submitted a reportconsidering an objection received by the council to the proposed traffic restrictions on /around the West Street area of Winterton.

The council was striving to improve safety outside schools throughout North Lincolnshire.  The measures included enforceable parking restrictions and an advisory speed limit, during certain hours.

The measures were part of the continuing process to reduce the number of children being brought to school by car and encourage more healthy and ‘green’ alternatives.  They would make the environment outside schools safer.

West Street and a few surrounding roads had been resurfaced recently in conjunction with the scheme.

Large scale consultation had been carried out involving the Town Council, local residents and local schools.  Amendment to the detail of the scheme had been made during the process after listening to various views.

Letters were sent to many consultees, including businesses in the area, notices were also posted on site.  During the consultation period, one objection was received from a local business.

Resolved – (a) That the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order, as shown on the plan appended to the report, be approved, and (b) that officers write to the objector advising them of the decision, following the normal statutory procedure.

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