Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minutes – 27 September 2012

98    (15) POLICY FOR THE PROVISION AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC SIGNS, ROAD MARKINGS AND ROAD STUDS ON THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYThe Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval for an update to the ‘Provision and maintenance of traffic signs, road markings and road studs on the public highway’ policy.  The policy was first introduced in October 2006.

The introduction of the policy provided great benefit to the environment and community.  The provision of high quality traffic signing and lining contributed to the safety and road movement of local road users, as well as assisting visitors driving in the area.  It also controlled the use of illegal and unauthorised signing.  It further encouraged sympathetic design of traffic signs which was very important to the visual appearance of towns and villages.

In the intervening period since the introduction of the policy, the traffic and road safety field had seen many changes.  The biggest change was the Traffic Signs Policy Paper, October 2011, “Signing the Way” from the Department of Transport.  This was the most significant review of national traffic signs policy in over forty years and set out new policies that would help meet the challenges of tackling congestion.

This gave the opportunity to review the council’s existing policy with a view to incorporating aspects of the Department of Transport national signing review.

Resolved – (a) That the changes to the policy be approved, and (b) that the full report be made available on the North Lincolnshire Council website.

99        (16) KEY DIRECTORATE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2012/13 – The Director of Places submitted a report identifying key performance measures and targets for the Places directorate which would support delivery of the key themes set out in the Council Strategy 2012-2016, and seeking approval of the set of indicators and targets set for the Cabinet Member’s portfolio area.

The council’s Cabinet recently agreed the Council Strategy for 2012-16. The strategy set out the four priorities and 19 aims.  It also outlined the outcomes that the council wanted to achieve over the next four years for residents in North Lincolnshire. The strategy included 93 performance indicators that would measure progress against the outcomes.

The Places directorate was responsible for 34 of these indicators.  These were set out in Appendix 1 to the report.  The appendix showed the indicators for each Cabinet Member.

The indicators would be reviewed periodically to ensure that they continued to adequately measure progress toward achieving the priority outcomes.

Resolved – That the performance indicators and targets proposed for the Places directorate for 2012/13 for the Cabinet Member’s particular portfolio area be approved.


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