The Leader of the Council – Minutes – 14 March 2013

The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 51refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
51  (32) PLACES DIRECTORATE – THIRD TIER MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES – The Director of Places submitted a report which sought consideration of a new third tier and associated management structure for each of the four service divisions that formed the Places directorate of the council.

Following appointments to the first and second management tiers (Director and four Assistant Directors), the new directorate became operational from 1 June 2012.  All third tier managers who formerly reported to either an outgoing Director or Assistant Director were assigned for line management purposes to one of the four new Assistant Directors.

It was clear that a new and fit for purpose third tier management structure was required, which needed to reflect the capacities and skills required to effectively manage the organisation going forward, particularly in light of the significant reduction in capacity at the first and second tiers.  It was also necessary to ensure that the directorate could contribute to taking forward the strategic priorities and aims contained within the approved Council Strategy 2012/2016.

Further details of the proposals were outlined within the report and associated appendices.

Resolved – That the third tier management structure for each of the four service divisions forming the Places directorate of the council as set out in the appendices to the report be approved.

Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.