People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 7 March 2013

(58) AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR BSF PROJECTS AT ST BEDE’S CATHOLIC VOLUNTARY ACADEMY, FREDERICK GOUGH SCHOOL AND ST HUGH’S COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION SPECIALIST COLLEGE  – The Director of Places submitted a report and sought approval to the  award of Design and Build Lump Sum contracts and a deed of variation to Engage North Lincolnshire Ltd (‘LEP’) for rebuilding and remodelling works at 3 schools.

The Cabinet Member was advised that in accordance with the ‘New Projects Approval Procedure’ (as defined by the SPA), the council had received stage 2 proposals from the LEP and had evaluated the proposals against a defined set of time, quality and cost criteria.

It was requested that an urgent decision be taken to enable officers to meet the target financial close date which was 20 March 2013 and for start on site dates to be scheduled for as soon as possible.

Resolved – (a) That the award of the Design and Build contracts for works at St Bede’s Catholic Voluntary Academy and Frederick Gough School, and the execution of a deed of variation to the Frederick Gough School contract for the StHugh’sCommunicationandInteractionSpecialistCollege works be approved, conditional upon:

  • there being no significant change to the agreed price and risk allocations between the LEP and council before  financial close
  • receipt of an undertaking from the LEP as noted in 2.5 above
  • supply of acceptable information from the LEP to the council to enable it to complete due diligence in respect of the LEP/PSP shareholding sale and also information required in accordance with the SPA Stage 2 Approval Content Requirements, specifically but not exclusively relating to
  • the detailed choreography of the interaction between, and execution of, the shareholding sale noted in 2.8 above and the Design and Build contracts, and
  • the financial and technical capacity and capability of the LEP’s replacement sub-contractor to undertake the design and build works

and, (b) that the Director of Policy and Resources (or his authorised person) be authorised to sign, seal, execute and deliver all legally binding documents relating to the progression of the BSF projects at St Bede’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, Frederick Gough School and St Hugh’s Communication and Interaction Specialist College

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