Customer Services, Sport & Leisure Cabinet Member – Minutes – 10 April 2014

30        (9)  SPORTS FACILITIES FEES AND CHARGES –  The Director of Places submitted a report which sought consideration of the 2014-2015 fees and charges for Sports Facilities.

The Cabinet Member was required to review the fees and charges applicable to our sports facilities on an annual basis. In July 2013, the Leisure Transformation Board agreed to adopt a more proactive commercial approach to how fees and charges were applied.  This allowed managers to use discretion to use promotional pricing and discounting as appropriate to maximise income and usage.

The Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Sport & Leisure decided not to increase fees and charges for 2013/14 and the report outlined that the council had agreed the revenue budget allocations for 2014/15 and included a sum of £75,000 to avoid the necessity of price increases from 1 April 2014 up to 31 March 2015.

Full details of the proposed Fees and Charges were outlined within the appendix to the report.

Resolved – That the fees and charges for Sports Facilities venues for 2014/15 be kept at the same levels as applied in 2013/14, as listed in appendix 1.