Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minutes – 27 August 2013

74  (21) HUMBERSIDE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SURFACE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS – The Director of Places submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on the progress to date in relation to improvements to the access to Humberside International Airport (HUY), and seeking agreement on the way forward on designing and funding the improvements.

A study was completed in March 2011 that investigated travel patterns for employees and passengers accessing the HUY.  As part of this study, improvements to surface access through the local road network and sustainable modes were explored.

Since the completion of this study, additional works had progressed.  Three key elements of improvements to the highway network were investigated and further prioritised.  This was based on future capacity and development.  Road safety issues were also considered.

The three elements included an upgrade to a roundabout junction at the entrance to the airport, improvements to Caistor Road including widening and a new, improved access into the airport boundary for the Search and Rescue operations, due to commence in April 2015 and improvements to Barnetby Top.

The report gave full details of each potential element, along with financial implications.

Resolved – (a) The progress made to date on delivering the scheme be acknowledged, and (b) that Option 3, detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the report, be approved and adopted.