People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 18 November 2013

The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 109 refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

109      (38) DEVELOPMENT OF A STAFF LED SOCIAL ENTERPRISE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR CARE LEAVERS – The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval of the Integrated Business Plan for the development of a staff led Social Enterprise and the delivery of the Young Peoples Accommodation Support Service to be provided by a staff led Social Enterprise.

In November 2012, approval was given to apply for funding from the Social Enterprise Investment Fund (SEIF) to develop an Integrated Business Plan (IBP) that would assess the feasibility of services provided by the Young Peoples Accommodation Support Service being provided by a staff led Social Enterprise.  Grant funding from SEIF was secured in December 2012 which had enabled independent advice to be provided to support the business planning process.

A Project Board was established chaired by the Director of Policy and Resources, with senior representation from Legal, Business Support, Human Resources and Peoples Directorate. The Board had met on a monthly basis to maintain oversight and manage the development of the IBP; independent advice had also been provided within the business planning process.

Details of the proposals were outlined within the report.

Resolved – (a) That the Integrated Business Plan for the development of a staff led Social Enterprise be approved, and (b) that the creation of a Social Enterprise to deliver the Young People’s Accommodation Support Service be approved.

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