People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 27 December 2013

113      (42) SCHOOL GOVERNORS – INSTRUMENT OF GOVERNMENT FOR FREDERICK GOUGH SCHOOL – A SPECIALIST LANGUAGE COLLEGE – The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval of a new Instrument of Government to be implemented with immediate effect.

The school was currently called “Frederick Gough School – A Specialist Language College”.  It was explained that the Governors wished to change the name to “Frederick Gough School”

In order for a governing body to change the name of a community school, it must have a new Instrument of Government approved through the council’s democratic process.  Following the enactment of the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012, any proposal to introduce a new Instrument of Government automatically required the governing body to reconstitute itself with reference to  new constitutional arrangements.

The new Instrument of Government reflects this wish and incorporated sufficient number of places to accommodate all current governors.

The governing body considered a revised name for the school, and a revised constitution for the governing body.  Their proposal was detailed in appendix A to the report.

Resolved – That the instrument of government for Frederick Gough School be approved with immediate effect.

114      (43) SCHOOL GOVERNORS – INSTRUMENT OF GOVERNMENT FOR ALTHORPE AND KEADBY PRIMARY SCHOOL – The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval of the Instrument of Government, to be effective from 1 January 2014 for Althorpe and Keadby Primary School.

On 4 December 2013 the governing body approved a suggested change to the Instrument of Government in accordance with The School Governance(Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012.

It was explained that in order for a governing body to change its size it must have a new instrument of government.  A change to the instrument of government, post September 2012, required a revision of the constitution in accordance with the above regulations.  The new instrument of government detailed the change in the constitution the governing body would like to make.

The governing body wanted to reduce the total number of governors from 14 to 10, and to increase the number of co-opted governors (previously community governors) to increase its flexibility to appoint the appropriate skills required on the governing body.

Their proposal was detailed in appendix A to the report.

Resolved – That the instrument of government for Althorpe and Keadby Primary School be approved with effect from 1 January 2014.

115      (44)  LOCAL ACCOUNT REPORT 2012/13 – The Director of People submitted a report which sought endorsement of the publication of the Adult Services Local Account 2012/13.

The Local Account was an annual account that identified to local residents how well the local adult services were run and outlined what Adult Services had been doing in the year, and what they planned to do in the future.

These accounts were important as they helped make the service accountable to the community being served.

It was explained that the Local Account would raise the profile of the issues facing vulnerable people and highlight the work that the council and partners were undertaking to ensure the further development of services to help people stay independent and improve their wellbeing.

Resolved – That the publication of the Adult Services Local Account 2012/13 be endorsed.


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