Leader of the Council – Minutes – 15 December 2014

In accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules of the council’s Constitution, the Leader of the Council was authorised to take the following decision on behalf of the People Cabinet Member who had declared an interest on this item as a serving member on Brigg Primary School Board of Governors.

105      (20) RECONSTITUTION OF BRIGG PRIMARY SCHOOL BOARD OF GOVERNORS The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval to reconstitute the board of governors of Brigg Primary School.

The report outlined that at the full board of Brigg Primary School governors’ meeting of  held on 6 November 2014, the governors voted to reconstitute the board to bring it in line with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 and the School Governance (Constitution) (Amendment) Regulations 2014.

The constitution of each board of governors was laid down in a document known as the instrument of government which a board of governors may at any time request to be changed, in accordance with the regulations, by variation.

Appendix 1 of the report set out the constitution of the board of governors in the form of an instrument of government, as requested by the governors of Brigg Primary School.

Resolved – That option one outlined within the report be approved.