Customer Services, Sport & Leisure, Deputy Leader Portfolio and People Cabinet Members – Minutes – 11 July 2014

38      (4)  COMMUNITY GRANT AID APPLICATIONS – The Director of Places and the Director of People submitted a joint report which sought consideration of an urgent application that had been received for Community Grant Aid.  The application was considered against the scheme’s criteria and available funds.

The Community Grant Fund supported –

  • Grants to Individuals
  • Community Revenue Grant Programme
  • Community Capital Grant Programme

An urgent decision was required on this occasion as the group had been seeking alternative funding which had not been successful.  The school summer holidays were only two weeks away and funding needed to be in place to enable the necessary arrangements to be made.

A summary of the application was set out in appendix one to the report.

Resolved – That the following amount of Community Grant support be approved.




Amount Granted

Barton Partners in Play £2,500