People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 21 May 2014

The corresponding report of the following items (Minutes 137 and 138refer) contain exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

137      (1) UPDATE ON POSITIVE FOR YOUTH IMPLEMENTATION The Director of People submitted a report to provide an update on phase one of the Positive for Youth implementation, and proposed that a mixed economy of positive activity be retained whilst capacity continued to build.

During 2012 a review of the youth service was undertaken following the publication by the Department for Education of the statutory guidance ‘Positive for Youth’ in June 2012.  Phase one of the Positive for Youth implementation sought expressions of interest from external providers to use grant funding to develop positive activities across the five locality areas.

Since then there had been further consultation undertaken with young people from the Bottesford area in partnership with Frederick Gough School and with young people with disabilities and their parents in respect of developing the positive activities offer. This consultation had been used to inform the next phase.

The report proposed the retention of provision at Bottesford Pavilion and the provision for disabled young people at Bottesford Youth Centre in order to ensure sufficiency of provision across North Lincolnshire.  In addition it was proposed that there would be continued development of a range of additional activities where provision gaps were identified.

The retention of in house activities at Bottesford enabled a mixed economy of provision whilst work continued with providers to ensure sustainability of a range of activities being available in to the future.

Full details of the proposals were outlined within the report and associated appendices.

Resolved – (a) That the progress on implementing phase one of Positive for Youth across North Lincolnshire be noted; (b) that the retention of provision at Bottesford and Bottesford Pavilion as part of a mixed economy of service delivery, which includes the posts listed at Appendix 2 be approved, and (c) that any new additional activities are developed with providers in line with the outcomes of consultation with young people.

138      (2)  RESTRUCTURE OF INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING, PARTNERSHIPS AND HEALTH IMPROVEMENT SERVICE – The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval of the proposed staffing structure for the Integrated Commissioning, Partnership and Health Improvement Service.

It was explained that the new structure would enable delivery of functions and responsibilities in respect of partnership, planning and performance; integrated commissioning and procurement and health improvement and created a service that reflected the skill set required to ensure outcomes for vulnerable children, adults and the wider population were improved.

It was anticipated that the proposals created a service structure that was equipped to do the job and would attract and retain a high calibre of staff that could work across health and social care agendas to design and commission services that would lead to improved outcomes for vulnerable children and adults and to improve the wider determinants of health.

The proposals were to create a structure that could lead the delivery of health improvement functions.

Full details of the proposals were outlined within the report and appendix 1.

Resolved – That the proposed structure and implementation of the changes to the staffing establishment as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

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