People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 24 June 2014


139      (3) OFSTED INSPECTIONS FOR SCHOOLS IN THE LOCAL AUTHORITY AREA – The Director of People submitted a report to inform the Cabinet Member of the outcomes of the Ofsted inspection for Kirton Lindsey Primary School, Haxey CE Primary School, Oakfield Primary School and Westwoodside CE Primary School.

The schools had been inspected under the Section 5 Ofsted inspection schedule for schools.  A full copy of the report had been placed in the political group offices.

The report also informed the Cabinet Member iof the outcomes of Ofsted’s interim assessments for Crowle Primary Academy, West Butterwick CE Primary School, Wroot Travis Charity CE Primary School, Winteringham Primary School and the Saint Lawrence Academy.

Resolved – That the Cabinet Member writes to the Headteacher or Chair of Governors/Interim Executive Board of the schools regarding the outcome of their inspection.

140      (4)  APPOINTMENT OF AUTHORITY SCHOOL GOVERNORS – The Director of People submitted a report seeking approval of the appointment of Authority/Local Authority School Governors for governing bodies whose Instrument of Government was made before 1 September 2012.

Resolved – (a) That the following persons be (re)appointed as Authority School Governors on the schools listed, subject to the relevant CRB checks:

Baysgarth                                                                     Mr Jonathan Evison

Burton Upon Stather Primary                                        Mr Gary Hall

Holme Valley Primary                                                    Ms Nicky Brooks

Messingham Primary                                                     Mrs Jane Laws

Sir John Nelthorpe                                                        Mrs Bozena Allen

Sir John Nelthorpe                                                        Mrs Penny Smith

South Ferriby Primary                                                   Mr Godfrey Thorpe

Westcliffe Primary                                                         Mrs Louise Baxter

Wooton St Andrew’s CE Primary                                  Mr Stephen Garmston

Baysgarth                                                                     Mr P Swann (Chair)

Holme Valley Primary                                                    Mr E McCabe (Chair)