Policy & Resources Cabinet Member – Minutes – 30 December 2014

163      (36) VIREMENTS – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which sought approval for changes to the revenue and capital budgets for 2014/15. 

On 25 February 2014 Council approved the revenue and capital budgets for the 2014/15 financial year respectively.  The report gave details of virements approved by the Director of Policy and Resources under delegated powers and those that required Cabinet Member approval.

Resolved(a) That the virements at paragraph 3.1 of the report, approved by the Director of Policy and Resources under delegated powers be noted, and (b) that the permanent virements outlined in paragraph 3.2 of the report be approved.

164      (37) HOME WORKING POLICYThe Assistant Director Human Resources submitted a report which sought approval for the council’s revised Home Working policy.

The council’s Home Working policy was last updated in 2004 and had become outdated. Following the move to switch home workers to use their own broadband lines, the opportunity had been taken to overhaul the entire policy.

The council’s revised Home Working policy set out the three categories of homeworkers (at home, from home and occasional), criteria around eligibility, the initial assessment process, equipment and security measures.

Resolved – That the revised policy be approved.

165      (38) BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (BYOD)The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report To propose a strategy for implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

BYOD was a nationally recognised ICT initiative that enabled an organisation’s workforce to utilise their personal ICT devices for work use.  It provided recognised benefits but required consideration of risks and nationally mandated government security requirements.

The report detailed the relevant issues, advantages to operating a BYOD strategy which included increased employee satisfaction, cost savings plus productivity gains and set out a recommended way forward.

Resolved – (a) That the council formally adopts a Managed BYOD strategy for low-risk users, and (b) that further analysis be undertaken to understand the potential benefits and risks of extending the BYOD strategy to wider council applications/systems.

166      (39) PUBLIC SERVICES NETWORK (PSN) CODE OF CONNECTION (CoCo) COMPLIANCE – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report to provide an update on the outcome of the Public Services Network (PSN) Code of Connection renewal exercise for 2014.

The Public Services Network (PSN) was a government programme to unify the provision of network infrastructure across the public sector into an interconnected “network of networks” to increase efficiency and reduce overall public expenditure.

PSN substantially reduced the cost of communication services across government and enabling new secure joined up and shared public services for the benefit of organisations and citizens.

Each year North Lincolnshire Council submitted a code of connection (CoCo) application to maintain its PSN connectivity. This annual requirement commenced in 2009 at the inception of the national Government Connect infrastructure initiative.

Over the summer the necessary upgrades, changes and the implementation of replacement facilities took place. The completion of the work enabled the council’s 2014 CoCo application to be submitted early October to the Information Assurance Assessor at the Cabinet Office. 

On the 25 November 2014 the council received official confirmation that its recertification submission had been successful.

ResolvedThat the successful award of a PSN Code of Connection Compliance Certificate to November 2015 be noted.

Note: Reports are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and therefore require a suitable reader to view them. A reader can be downloaded free from the Adobe website (full instructions for downloading the reader are provided on the site). 

Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.