Adult Services, Children’s Services and Regeneration and Health & Strategic Projects Cabinet Members – Minutes – 10 December 2015

2 (2) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY – The Director of People and the Director of Public Health submitted a joint report seeking endorsement and support for the publication and implementation of the North Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Strategy.

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 transferred Public Health responsibilities from the NHS to the council and the Director of Public Health had responsibility for local health improvement and reducing health inequalities. This included championing mental health including suicide prevention.

Suicide prevention subsequently became a council led initiative working closely with the Police; Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS England, Coroners and the Voluntary Sector.

The North Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Strategy reflected the latest national information, evidence and guidance on improving mental health and preventing suicide for the population.  The strategy responded to the national suicide prevention strategy ‘Preventing Suicide in England’ (2012) (Department of Health) which set out shared objectives for suicide prevention and six key areas for action:

National Strategy Key Objectives and Actions

  • Reduce the suicide rate in the general population of England
  • Offer better support for those bereaved or those affected by suicide

In order to support suicide prevention, six key areas for action had been identified at a national level:

1. Reduce the risk of suicide in key high-risk groups

2. Tailor approaches to improve mental health in specific groups

3. Reduce access to the means of suicide

4. Provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide

5. Support the media in delivering sensitive approaches to suicide and suicidal behaviour

6. Support research, data collection and monitoring.

The local strategy and an associated plan had been developed.  The report gave details of the local priority actions that formed the action plan.

Resolved – That the publication and implementation of the North Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Strategy, be endorsed and supported.