Assets, Culture & Housing Cabinet Member – Minutes – 16 July 2015

2   (2) HOUSING ADVICE AND HOMELESSNESS – PERFORMANCE UPDATE – The Director of Places submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on the work of the Housing Advice Team during 2014/2015.The report provided information on the three key performance measures for the Housing Advice Team. These were the number of contacts, the number of homeless acceptances and the number of homeless preventions.For the purposes of the report, homeless prevention was defined as providing people with the ways and means to address their housing and other needs to avoid becoming homeless. This was achieved by either helping people at risk of losing their home to stay put, when this was not possible, a move to alternative accommodation was attempted.    Recruitment to an existing vacant post was currently taking place to help meet and support current and anticipated demand for the service.Resolved – (a) That the contents of the report and the continuing demands on the Housing Advice Team be noted; (b) that an update report on the impact of Universal Credit be submitted to the Cabinet Member in September 2015, and (c) that a supplementary report giving a more detailed analysis be submitted to the Cabinet Member in July 2015.3   (3) 20-21 VISUAL ARTS CENTRE NATIONAL PORTFOLIO ORGANISATION AGREEMENT – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval for the Agreed Activity set out in the Centre’s business plan, audience engagement plan and equality action plan, as part of the formal agreement with the Arts Council England (ACE).In October 2014, the 20-21 Visual Arts Centre (20-21) applied to the Arts Council to remain one of their National Portfolio Organisations (NPO). The application was accepted earlier this year.Acceptance as an NPO recognised the work that 20-21 did in providing artistic excellence and in nurturing talent.As an NPO, the Arts Council had agreed to give 20-21 a grant of up to £224,235 for the period 2015-2018. This would go towards the costs of the centre’s programme of work and fund the Education and Touring Exhibitions Officer. The Arts Council had drafted a formal agreement outlining the terms of the grant.  As part of this funding agreement North Lincolnshire Council was required to accept the Agreed Activity that 20-21 will carry out during 2015-18, as outlined in their:

  • Business Plan 2015 -2018
  • Audience Engagement Plan
  • Equality Action Plan

Resolved That the Agreed Activity, as outlined in the Funding Agreement letter, be accepted.The corresponding reports of the following items (Minutes 4 to 6 refer) contain exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).4  (4) HANDYMAN REVIEW – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval for a revised staffing structure within the Handyman Service,The handyman service provided a high volume, low cost preventative service to the elderly, vulnerable and frail enabling them to remain relatively safe and secure at home.   In 2014/15, the service completed 2,321 jobs, of which, 1,377 were health related (59%), such as hospital discharge, Occupational Therapy referrals and minor adaptations.A review of the service began in 2014. Since then, there had been a number of changes, which were outlined in the report and accompanying appendices.Resolved – That the revised structure for the Handyman Service, as set out in Appendix B to the report, be approved.5  (5) REGRADING OF BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERS (DESIGN) – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval for a regrading to the posts of Building Services Engineers (Design) located in the Asset Management and Construction team, with the Places Directorate.The approved establishment of the Asset Management and Construction team included four posts of Building Services Engineer (Design). Two of the posts had a mechanical engineering bias and two an electrical engineering bias. The appendix to the report set out the current and proposed structures.Resolved That a change in grade to the four posts of Building Services Engineer (Design), as set out in the report and accompanying appendix, be approved.6   (6) PROPERTY TRANSACTION SCHEDULE – The Director of Places submitted a report for consideration, and where necessary, approval of a schedule containing the terms of all recently negotiated property transactions.The schedule covered both operational and commercial property.Resolved That the schedule appended to the report be approved.