Children’s Services Cabinet Member – Minutes – 10 December 2015

23  (23) OFSTED INSPECTION OUTCOMES FOR SCHOOLS IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director of People submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on the new Ofsted inspection framework for schools and academies, which came into force on 1 September 2015, and informing the Cabinet Member of the outcomes of the short (Section 8) inspection of Gunness and Burringham CofE Primary School and the full (Section 5) inspection of Winteringham Primary School.

A new Ofsted framework for schools came into force on 1 September 2015.  The main change from the previous framework was the introduction of short (Section 8) inspections, once every three years, for schools whose overall effectiveness was judged to be good at their last Section 5 inspection.

The short inspections for good schools were carried out by one Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMIs) for one day in primary schools or two HMIs for one day in secondary schools.  They resulted in a letter being published on the Ofsted website containing only two judgements: the school continues to be good and safeguarding was effective.

The HMI leading the inspection had the option to convert a short inspection for a good school to a full (Section 5) inspection, if more time was needed to reach a judgement or if there was a possibility that the school’s overall effectiveness had changed since its last Section 5 inspection.

Resolved – That the Cabinet Member writes to the Head Teacher or Chair of Governors of the schools regarding the outcome of their inspection.

24 (24) ANNUAL EDUCATION REPORT 2015 – The Director of People submitted a report seeking approval for the publication of the North Lincolnshire Annual Education Report for 2015.

The council had a statutory duty to ensure area wide standards and educational excellence.In line with the council’s role as an enabler and facilitator of sector led improvement, it set the ambition for children and young people of:

  • exceeding national average outcomes by all measures by 2015
  • achieving top quartile performance by 2017

The council had prioritised improving education outcomes for all children and young people. Additional investment had been made for improving the quality of the built environment, the quality of provision, and the effectiveness of leadership and governance.

The Annual Education Report provided a synopsis of education standards in North Lincolnshire.  The report drew out the key areas for action, with the purpose of provoking debate about how to address local education priorities.

The report and summary gave details of the highlights for 2015.

Resolved – That the publication of the North Lincolnshire Annual Education Report 2015 be approved.

25  (25) BERKELEY INFANT SCHOOL AND BERKELEY JUNIOR SCHOOL AMALGAMATION – The Director of People submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on feedback from the public consultation regarding the proposal to merge Berkeley Infant School and Berkeley Junior School, and seeking approval to publish a statutory notice, which confirmed the council’s formal intention to amalgamate the schools.

On 1 October 2015 approval was granted for a public consultation to be undertaken to consider the council’s proposal to merge Berkeley Infant School and Berkeley Junior School to create a through primary school (minute 15 refers).

The proposal recommended that the amalgamation should be implemented by closing the infant school and expanding the age range of the junior school to include pupils aged 4 to 11.  The amalgamated school would become operational on 1 September 2016.

A comprehensive consultation was undertaken with stakeholders from 12 October 2015 to 22 November 2015 using a variety of consultation methods.

Feedback from the consultation had now been analysed and could be used to help determine the most appropriate option regarding the next stage of the amalgamation process.

Resolved – That Option 1 at paragraph 4.1 in the report, that a public notice be published outlining the proposal to amalgamate Berkeley Infant School and Berkeley Junior School, with effect from 1 September 2016, be approved.