Regeneration and Health & Strategic Projects Cabinet Member – Minutes – 13 January 2016

6 (6) TOWN CENTRE REGENERATION – PARK AND RIDE SERVICE RELOCATION – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval to use the Parishes Multi-storey car park as a park and ride facility for North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust.

Scunthorpe was at the urban heart of North Lincolnshire and the sub regional economic centre.  As well as the focus of population in North Lincolnshire at the centre of the local housing market, it provided a key function as an employment centre as well as offering leisure, retail and recreation opportunities.

The economy and the population of the area were projected to grow significantly over the next 10-15 years.  Natural population growth and the delivery of the Marine Energy Park and associated business through the South Humber Gateway would contribute to the growth.

The North Lincolnshire Core Strategy supported the renaissance of Scunthorpe Town Centre and the developments it proposed closely aligned to and supported the priorities for Scunthorpe’s growth.

The vision for Scunthorpe town centre was “A place to live, work and play”.  The new proposal begun to bring the vision to life by putting more people in the town centre Monday to Friday.

The proposal involved the relocation of the existing park and ride service that operated between Glanford Park and the town centre.  This would see up to 450 people put back in the town centre on a daily basis, Monday to Friday.

The report gave details of the way the service would be operated.

Resolved – That the proposal for the delivery of a new park and ride service in the town, as set out in the report, be approved.