Adults & Families Cabinet Member – Minutes – 11 October 2016

The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 2 refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

2 (2) REVIEW OF MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES ACROSS THE PEOPLE DIRECTORATE PREVENTION AND COMMISIONING AND ADULT SERVICES – The Director of People submitted a report seeking approval for a new structure within the Adult Services and Prevention and Commissioning service areas that ensured the council was successful in delivering good outcomes for vulnerable people.

The People Directorate comprised teams and services to deliver the statutory functions within the scope of delegated responsibilities as an Education, Children’s Services and Adult Social Services local authority. The management structures reflected the partnership and stakeholder interfaces and services were shaped using an organisational model around levels of need within North Lincolnshire’s children’s and adults’ populations.

The report outlined the organisational review that had been undertaken across the service and sought to establish a management structure that could support the council in meeting its strategic priorities and the on-going and emerging partnership arrangements within North Lincolnshire. The proposed structure aimed to enhance service delivery and improve outcomes for all vulnerable people and their carers.

Full details of proposals, including financial implications, was set out in the report and appendices.

Resolved – That the proposals outlined in the report and accompanying appendices, to create the new management structure for Prevention and Commissioning and Adult Services, be approved.