Adults & Families Cabinet Member – Minutes – 23 December 2016

3 (3) ADULT SOCIAL CARE ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND COMPLAINTS REPORT 2015-16 – The Interim Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report presenting the Annual Representations and Complaints Reports 2015-16 for adult social care services in line with statutory requirements.

There was a statutory requirement to present an annual report covering representations and complaints received about services delivered under the NHS Community Care Act 1990.

These statutory procedures gave service users, or representatives acting on their behalf, the right to make representations about council services.  They required the council to address the representations, through a two stage procedure for adult social care services.
The procedure aimed to resolve complaints within one stage.  There were no timescales specified within the regulations as each complaint was considered according to the issues involved.   The second stage of the procedure rested with the Local Government Ombudsman.

Resolved – That the Annual Representations and Complaints Report 2015-16 for adults social care be received and approved.