Children, Families & Learning Cabinet Member – Minutes – 19 December 2016

19 (19) OFSTED INSPECTION OUTCOMES FOR SCHOOLS IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Interim Director of Children’s Services submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on the new Ofsted inspection framework for schools and academies, which came into force on 1 September 2015, and informing the Cabinet Member of the outcomes of the full (section 5) inspection of Ulceby St Nicholas CE Primary School.

A new Ofsted framework for schools came into force on 1 September 2015.  The main change from the previous framework was the introduction of short (Section 8) inspections, once every three years, for schools whose overall effectiveness was judged to be good at their last Section 5 inspection.

Resolved – That the Cabinet Member writes to the Head Teacher or Chair of Governors of the school regarding the outcome of their inspection.

20 (20) CONCORDAT ON CHILDREN IN CUSTODY – The Interim Director of Children’s Services submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member of the Home Office Concordat on Children in Custody which aimed to prevent the detention of children in police stations following charge.

The concordat was in relation to the transfer of children, who had been charged and denied bail, from police custody to council accommodation. The Home Office had written to Directors of Children’s Services, Lead Members for Children’s Services, Chief Officers and Police and Crime Commissioners to emphasise the expectation that the transfer arrangements were adhered to and the concordat set out each party’s responsibilities and provided a protocol for how transfers should work in practice.

The concordat reinforced and built on the expectations detailed in the document ‘Criteria for assessing the treatment of and conditions for detainees in Police Custody 2016’ regarding the use of police custody by the HM Inspectorate of Prisons and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary.

The requirements within the concordat were already in force. The document, however, clarified and expanded upon the expectations on the police and councils in meeting legislative requirements in relation to young people in police custody. It therefore had implications for practice, training for staff, the provision of resources and suitable placements.

Resolved – That the principles of the Concordat on Children in Custody be supported.

21 (21) APPOINTMENT OF LOCAL AUTHORITY SCHOOL GOVERNORS – The Interim Director of Children’s Services submitted a report considering the appointment of suitable candidates to serve as local authority governors.

Boards of governors were the key strategic decision-making body for schools.  It was the board’s role to set a school’s strategic framework and to ensure that all statutory duties were met.  There were currently 72 boards of governors within North Lincolnshire serving both schools and academies.  A number of schools were federated, which meant that a governing body oversaw the running of two schools.

In accordance with the School Governance Regulations (2012) maintained schools’ boards were constituted from the following governor categories:

• Parent Governors
• Head Teacher
• Staff Governor
• Local Authority Governor
• Foundation Governor

When a Local Authority vacancy occurred, the relevant board identified the necessary skills, knowledge and experience that would be required of the successful candidates.  The council was then able to match the board of governors’ needs against the perspective candidate’s application.

Resolved – That the named persons as listed at Appendix 1 to the report be appointed as Local Authority Governors on the school listed, subject to the relevant DBS checks.

22 (22) RECONSTITUTION OF WESTCLIFFE AND PRIORY LANE FEDERATED BOARD OF GOVERNORS – The Interim Director of Children’s Services submitted a report seeking approval of the instrument of government to allow the board of governors of Westcliffe and Priory Lane Federation to be reconstituted with effect from 1 December 2016.

At the full board of governors meeting of Westcliffe and Priory Lane Federation held on 17 November 2016, the governors voted to reconstitute the board of governors.  This was undertaken in accordance with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 and the School Governance (Constitution) (Amendment) Regulations 2014.

The above regulations set out the options available to schools in terms of the overall number of governors, the categories of governors and the guiding principles for the constitution. The regulations state that boards should be no bigger than they need to be to carry out their statutory duties.

The constitution of each board of governors was laid down in a document known as the instrument of government. A board of governors may at any time request changes to their constitution, in accordance with the regulations, by varying their instrument of government.

Appendix 1 to the report set out the proposed constitution of the board of governors in the form of an instrument of government, as requested by the governors of Westcliffe and Priory Lane Federation.

Resolved – That the new instrument of government for Westcliffe and Priory Lane Federation be approved