Business, Innovation, Employment & Skills Cabinet Member – Minutes – 14 November 2016

14 (14) DRAFT SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT – PLANNING FOR HEALTH AND WELLBEING – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking consideration and approval of a Health and Wellbeing Supplementary Planning Document.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) were prepared under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. They formed part of the Local Development Framework which delivered the Spatial Strategy for a council’s area. Whilst SPDs did not have the status of the statutory development plan they did have material weight in the consideration of planning applications. Their purpose was to expand or supplement policies within development plan policies where necessary.

The Planning for Health and Well-Being SPD provided supporting information and guidance for planners, developers and investors on how planning decisions impacted on the health and wellbeing of the population. It contained information on how health and health inequalities could be positively impacted upon by good planning. It provided guidance on ensuring that the health implications of any new development were considered. The document strategically linked to North Lincolnshire’s Health and Well-being Strategy, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and other public health documents.

Under the 2012 Regulations, the council published the draft SPD for a four week public consultation and during this time a number of comments were received from groups, organisations and individuals. The SPD was also consulted on internally with key contacts.

Having considered all the comments received several changes were made to strengthen the planning document.

Resolved – That the Draft Supplementary Planning Document – Planning for Health and Wellbeing, be approved.

15 (15) LINCOLNSHIRE LAKES STRATEGIC DESIGN GUIDE – SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT – The Director of Places submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member of the outcomes of the public consultation exercise for the Lincolnshire Lakes Strategic Design Guide – Supplementary Planning Document and seeking approval to adopt the Lincolnshire Lakes Strategic Design Guide – Supplementary Planning Document for decision making purposes without modification.

Lincolnshire Lakes was a key part of the council’s aim to become the Global Gateway for the north of England. The project was essential in achieving the housing land requirements of the area. It was however more than just a housing development. It would create a major new sustainable waterside setting and neighbourhood. The project involved the creation of six new sustainable villages in the Trent valley. It would provide high quality, well designed sustainable new homes, as well as major opportunities for tourism, leisure, recreation and sport facilities all set within a unique lakeside environment.

The Lincolnshire Lakes Area Action Plan (AAP) set out the need to deliver the vision and make sure that this was done in a consistent and properly planned way. It would set out the detailed location of each of the villages and what they would look like. It would decide where the business park would go, show where the open space and the water bodies would be sited and most importantly identify what infrastructure was needed and by when to make the vision a reality.

The AAP required the preparation of a Strategic Design Guide for the Lincolnshire Lakes area. It would set out clear design requirements to ensure that high quality development took place towards meeting the aspirations of North Lincolnshire’s communities. This was particularly important with the number of planning applications coming forward in the Lincolnshire Lakes area.

The Strategic Design Guide would help to secure the delivery of the vision, development objectives and design ideas of the adopted Lincolnshire Lakes AAP. It would also support the implementation of a high quality, co-ordinated, phased development with a strong sense of distinctiveness. The Strategic Design Guide would inform and help to evaluate further outline and detailed planning applications and phased masterplanning.

Without the guide there was a risk that individual planning applications would come forward and not meet the high quality aspirations of the Lincolnshire Lakes developments. Furthermore it could result in disjointed planning applications coming forward that paid no attention to one another and result in poor design.

The report detailed the outcomes of the public consultation exercise that had taken place between 20 June and 18 July 2016.

Resolved – That the Lincolnshire Lakes Strategic Design Guide – Supplementary Planning Document, be approved and referred to the Planning Committee for information and application as required.