Business, Innovation, Employment & Skills Cabinet Member – Minutes – 28 September 2016

12 (12) CHURCH SQUARE LIGHTING – The Director of Places submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on a proposal for lighting the Church Square area of Scunthorpe town centre.

Options for improving the environment of the Church Square area of Scunthorpe had been explored. This was part of the ambition of the council to reinvigorate Scunthorpe town centre. In consultation with elected members, opportunities to provide enhanced decorative illumination and more public art in the town centre, aimed at improving the public area had been investigated. Church Square was identified as an area that could benefit from additional lighting.

A lighting solution had been designed for Church Square which would improve the night time visuals and aesthetics of the area. The scheme should also enhance public safety by improving visibility in the vicinity.

The lighting solution proposed would see remote controlled LED energy efficient lights installed on Church Square House, 20-21, St. John’s Church, the Humber UTC and North Lincolnshire Library. In addition to providing up-lighting to the buildings the lights would also cover Church Square.

Resolved – (a) That the proposal to enhance lighting in the Church Square area of Scunthorpe town centre, be approved and (b) that the use of previously secured section 106 funding, to meet the costs associated with the project, be approved.