Adults & Families and Health & Wellbeing Cabinet Members – Minutes – 5 April 2017

The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 3 refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

3 (3) SENIOR LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE PHASE 3: ESTABLISHMENT OF HEADS OF SERVICE POSTS WITHIN ADULTS AND COMMUNITY WELLBEING – AND PUBLIC HEALTH – The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing submitted a report seeking approval to establish a senior management structure reporting to the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing and the Director: Public Health.

In September 2016, Council approved the establishment of two Executive Director posts as the first phase of a review of the Senior Leadership structure. Subsequently, in January 2017 Council approved phase 2 of the review, disestablishing twelve Assistant Director posts and creating six Director level posts.

The leadership and management structure of the council must have the capacity to achieve the council’s ambition for place and for people and deliver transformational goals, which required a greater emphasis on the commercial agenda and the transformation of service delivery.

The Adults and Community Wellbeing portfolio included all of the former Adults division alongside significant functions from the former Prevention and Commissioning division plus some functions located across the council covering community development and special needs housing.

The Public Health portfolio would include functions within the former prevention and commissioning division.

Resolved – That the proposal to establish the senior management structure reporting to the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing and the Director: Public Health, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be approved.
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