Leader of the Council and Place Shaping Cabinet Member – Minutes – 18 December 2017

10 (10) BARROW UPON HUMBER NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANAPPLICATION FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD AREA STATUS – The Director: Business Development submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member that Barrow upon Humber Parish Council had applied to have its area formally designated for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan and seeking approval to advertise and consult on the application for neighbourhood area status.

The Localism Act 2011 (The Act) introduced new opportunities for local communities to get involved in planning their areas by preparing neighbourhood plans, neighbourhood development orders and community right to build orders.  The Act and associated neighbourhood planning regulations gave town/parish councils and neighbourhood forums powers to shape and encourage delivery of new development.

Before town/parish councils or neighbourhood forums could begin preparing a Neighbourhood Plan they must apply to have the area they wished the plan to cover to be formally designated.

The council was responsible for receiving and determining applications for the designation of a neighbourhood area.  The Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 prescribed time limits for the determination of a neighbourhood area application and required the council to advertise the application for a consultation period of not less than six weeks.

Barrow upon Humber Parish Council wished to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for its area.  An application to have the area formally designated had been submitted.

Resolved – (a) That the proposal to advertise Barrow upon Humber Parish Council’s application for neighbourhood area status be approved, and (b) that the implementation of a six week publication consultation period on the application be approved.

11 (11) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE LOCAL PLAN (2017 TO 2036) LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME – The Executive Director Commercial submitted a report seeking approval for the timetable for the revision of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2017 to 2036) as set out in the revised Local Development Scheme.

The council was seeking to develop a new Local Plan covering the period 2017 to 2036. The Plan would:

• set out the spatial vision and objectives for the area;
• set out the overall spatial strategy including the distribution of growth across the area;
• allocate sites for a range of land uses including housing, employment, retail, leisure and other forms of development; and
• identify areas for protection e.g. areas of nature conservation importance; and
• set out development management policies over this period.

Section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), required the council to prepare a timetable, formally known as the Local Development Scheme (LDS), setting the documents that would make up the Plan and the key dates (or milestones) for its preparation. These included public consultation periods, submission to the Government for independent examination, the examination itself and adoption. The LDS was included at Appendix 1 to the report.

The report set out the key consultation stages for the Plan.

An LDS was approved in March 2016, which set out the initial milestones for the preparation of the Local Plan.  Since then a number of changes had occurred, or were expected to occur shortly, at the national level that necessitated the need to review the timetable within the LDS.  The report set out the key changes.

The updated LDS reflected the need to consider the impacts that the changes would have for North Lincolnshire and would ensure that the preparation of the new Local Plan took into account.

Resolved (a) That the timetable for the preparation of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2017 to 2036), as set out in the revised Local Development Scheme, be approved, and (b) that the Local Development Scheme be published on the council’s website.

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