Safer, Greener & Cleaner Places Cabinet Member – Minutes – 10 November 2017

13 (13) BELSHAW HEATH LOCAL NATURE RESERVE DECLARATION – The Director: Operations submitted a report seeking approval to enhance the council’s suite of Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) by declaring a new LNR near Belton.

The council had declared a number of LNRs to date.  Recently, the council had worked with Belton Parish Council on a further potential site to a point where it could now be declared as a LNR.

Belshaw Heath was a Local Wildlife Site with about 3.6 hectares of broad leaved woodland and acid grassland.  These were priority habitats that had grown over sandy deposits.  Scarce or localised plants were also present on the site.  The site added value to the nearby Site of Special Scientific Interest, which was only 0.2 hectares in area.

Part of the Local Wildlife Site had been gifted to Belton Parish Council.  This meant that local people could now manage the site for wildlife and quiet recreation.

Resolved – That the declaration of a new Local Nature Reserve at Belshaw Heath, as shown on the map appended to the report, be approved.

14 (14) ELSHAM CHALK QUARRY LOCAL NATURE RESERVE DECLARATION – The Director: Operations submitted a report seeking approval to enhance the council’s suite of Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) by declaring a new LNR at Elsham.

The council had declared a number of LNRs to date.  Recently, the council had worked with Elsham Parish Council on a further potential site to a point where it could now be declared as a LNR.

Elsham Chalk Quarry was a Local Wildlife Site of about 11.4 hectares.  It was important for remnants of calcareous grassland.  This was a priority habitat which occurred where grassland grew over chalk or limestone.  Key species were also found on the site.

In the past, important habitats had been covered and planted with trees.  This reduced the value of the site for wild flowers.  However, Elsham Parish Council had now acquired the land.  This brought a new opportunity for local people to manage the site for wildlife and quiet recreation.  The adjacent road verge was also a Local Wildlife Site and would be included in the LNR.

Resolved – That the declaration of a new Local Nature Reserve at Elshaw Chalk Quarry, as shown on the map appended to the report, be approved.

15 (15) ANNUAL AIR QUALITY STATUS REPORT 2017 – The Director: Operations submitted a report seeking approval to consult on the Local Air Quality Management Annual Status Report 2017 and to publish the final document following consultation.

The council was required to carry out a review of pollution every year.  Industrial, domestic and traffic sources must be compared with limits for major pollutants.

The Annual Status Report for 2017 set out all the pollution data for the calendar year 2016. The report was sent to DEFRA who provided technical guidance on how to write the report. The data showed that there were no breaches of air quality objectives in 2016 in North Lincolnshire. Air quality within North Lincolnshire continued to improve reflecting the hard work of Regulators and local industry.
The council continued to work with local industry, the Environment Agency and Public Health England to improve local air quality.

It was proposed that the two Air Quality Management Areas be reviewed in light of the Detailed Assessment Report.

Resolved – (a) That the proposal to consult on the Annual Air Quality Management Status Report 2017 be approved, and (b) that the relevant feedback be incorporated into the report and officers produce the final document for publication.

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