Safer, Greener & Cleaner Places Cabinet Member – Minutes – 28 February 2018

19 (19) HUMBER FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING – The Director: Operations submitted a report seeking approval to sign the Environment Agency’s Memorandum of Understanding for the Humber Flood Risk Strategy Comprehensive Review.

The Environment Agency first published their Humber Flood Risk Strategy (Humber Strategy) in 2008.

In December 2013, the Humber estuary experienced the largest recorded tidal surge resulting in severe flooding along the estuary. This included areas of North Lincolnshire located along the Rivers Humber and Trent.

This event changed the evidence base for flood risk management in the estuary. Consequently, in September 2014 a Business Case was submitted to Government by the Environment Agency, the five lead local flood authorities (including North Lincolnshire Council) and Associated British Ports, seeking £1.28bn of funding to implement a 0.5% standard of protection all way round the estuary.

In December 2014, the Government asked the Agency to review the Business Case. That review was completed in July 2015.

In October 2015, the Secretary of State wrote to the Business Case authors, informing them that the funding that had been sought would not be provided and that all relevant parties should work together to undertake a comprehensive review of the strategy. The Environment Agency had now started that comprehensive review with an agreed completion timeline of Autumn 2019 when the strategy would be submitted to DEFRA for approval.

The review was a major piece of work that would drive flood defence investment in the Humber estuary in the future. The review would be progressed in collaboration with 12 local flood risk management authorities located within the study area. One of the key success factors was to get acceptance of the reviewed strategy from all the key stakeholders.

The Environment Agency had developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) setting out the proposed ways of working between the various stakeholders in partnership to take forward the strategy review. They were asking local flood risk management authorities to sign the MOU as a clear demonstration to evidence that they would participate and collaborate in the review process and that the various local authorities supported the principles of the review.

The Memorandum of Understanding document set out the aims and objectives of the report. A copy of the latest draft was attached at Appendix A.

Resolved – That the Director: Operations be authorised to sign the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the council.
20 (20) CARBON MANAGEMENT PLAN 2017-2022 – The Director: Operations submitted a report seeking approval to adopt the new Carbon Management Plan and its targets, to develop a Business Case for the financing options to enable delivery of a programme of energy reductions over the next five years, and to explore the potential of Salix Finance to help towards achieving further reductions in the carbon footprint of the council over the next five years.

The council approved the previous Carbon Management Plan in 2009. The plan set a target of reducing CO2 emissions across its building and operations by 33% by 2015/16. This included schools.

In 2010 a carbon management budget was approved. To date, over £1.5m has been allocated to this budget. It has delivered many carbon & energy efficiency projects including the adoption of renewable energy technologies, LED lighting, IT power management, improved heating controls, voltage optimisation, variable speed drives, insulation and lagging, building rationalisation and smart working.

By 2014, the council had met the carbon reduction target and had reduced its CO2 emissions by 48%. In 2008/09 the council total carbon emissions were nearly 34,000 tonnes CO2. Reducing carbon also resulted in cost savings and avoidance. This reduced energy consumption equated to a cost saving and avoidance of approximately £12.4m by 2016/17. The council was recently awarded the ‘Carbon Masters’ standard in recognition of its work in reducing its carbon footprint.

Resolved – (a) That the adoption of the new Carbon Management Plan and its 25% CO2 reduction target against the 2015/16 baseline be approved; (b) that the development of a business case for the financing options to enable delivery of a programme of energy reductions over the next five years be approved, and (c) that the Director: Operations and Director: Governance and Partnerships explore the opportunities of bidding for Salix funding to support the delivery of projects listed in the Carbon Management Plan.

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