Leader of the Council – Minutes – 2 April 2019

10 (10) APPROACH TO FIVE YEAR HOUSING LAND SUPPLY – The Director: Business Development submitted a report seeking approval for timescales and the approach to publishing the Five Year Housing Land Supply in April 2019.

In July 2018 the Government published a revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which had amended the approach local planning authorities (LPA’s) should take to calculating a Five Year Land Supply. The latest NPPF stated:

“LPA’s should identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies, or against their local housing need where the strategic policies are more than five years old.”

The council would publish a Five Year Housing Land Supply Annual Position Statement in April 2019 following consultation with the Housing Market Partnership which included developers and other parties who had an impact on delivery. Following the consultation period the council would submit the Annual Position Statement to the Secretary of State for consideration.

The Five Year Housing Land Supply would be calculated using the Government Standard Method, which identified North Lincolnshire local housing need requirement, was 419 dwellings per annum which equated to 2,095 dwellings.

The council would also include a 20% buffer within the five year land supply which was required by the NPPF and Housing Delivery Test.  Taking this into account North Lincolnshire was required to identify a supply of 2,515 dwellings on deliverable sites.

It was anticipated that the council would have a five year housing land supply of deliverable sites once the Five Year Housing Land Supply Annual Positon Statement had been published. The supply included all sites with full planning permission, sites with outline permission which had clear evidence of coming forward within the next five year period and housing allocations which had secured accelerated construction funding and/or pre-application discussions were taking place. This approach was in accordance with the NPPF definition for deliverable sites.

Resolved – That the proposal to publish a Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement in April 2019 following consultation with developers and others who had an impact on delivery, be approved and it be submitted to the Secretary of State for consideration.