Safer, Greener & Cleaner Spaces Cabinet Member – Minutes – 5 October 2018

3 (3) DRAFT AIR QUALITY ANNUAL STATUS REPORT (ASR) 2018 – The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report seeking approval to consult on the Local Air Quality Management Annual Status Report 2018 and publish the final document following consultation.

The council as part of its regulatory duties under Local Air Quality Management, must carry out a review of air pollution every year. Industrial, domestic and traffic sources must be compared with legal limits for major pollutants.
The report was sent to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) who provided technical guidance on how to write the report.
The two air quality management areas (AQMA) within North Lincolnshire were reviewed in the Detailed Assessment Report 2016. In March 2018 this led to:

• Revocation of the PM10 annual mean Santon AQMA
• Amendment by reduction in size of the 24 hour mean Scunthorpe AQMA

The Annual Status Report for 2018 set out all the air pollution data for the calendar year 2017 against Local Air Quality objectives as set out in the Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000.

Historical data from the Low Santon monitoring site had demonstrated that schemes to reduce PM10 had been successful and levels were continuing to improve. This was evidenced by the removal of one of the Santon AQMA’s following continued compliance with the annual mean objective for PM10.

Some areas within Scunthorpe AQMA still experienced elevated concentrations of PM10 or ‘near miss’ exceedance days.  Consequently there was more work to do in order to try and bring about improvements within the Scunthorpe AQMA.

The Air Quality Action for the Scunthorpe Town AQMA (PM10) was currently being reviewed in consultation with stakeholders to ensure that the revised list of actions brought about real improvements to local air quality.

Resolved – (a) That the proposal to consult on the Local Air Quality Management Annual Status Report 2018, be approved, and (b) that relevant feedback be incorporated into the report and officers produce the final document for publication.

Note:  Reports are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and therefore require a suitable reader to view them. A reader can be downloaded free from the Adobe website (full instructions for downloading the reader are provided on the site).