Health and Wellbeing Board – 10 June 2014

Chairman:  Councillor Rob Waltham
Venue:  International Room, Civic Centre
Time:  2pm


1.  Welcome and Introductions

2.  Substitutions

3.  Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.

4.  To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 25 March 2014

5.  Questions from members of the public


6.  North Lincolnshire Strategic Statement – Presentation by the Director of Public Health, North Lincolnshire Council


7.  Update on the Better Care Fund Plan – Joint Report by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG and the Director of People, North Lincolnshire Council

8.  North Lincolnshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plans Update – Report by the Director of Public Health, North Lincolnshire Council.

9.  Update on JHWS Priority Action 5 – people in North Lincolnshire living fulfilling and healthy lives  – Report by the Director of Public Health

10.  Healthwatch Update – Report by the Chair of Healthwatch Board, Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


11.  Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Report by the Director of Public Health, North Lincolnshire Council

12.  Adolescent Lifestyle Survey Update – Report by the Director of Public Health, North Lincolnshire Council

13.  Integrated Working Partnership Update – Report by the Director of People, North Lincolnshire Council

14.  Integrated Commissioning Partnership – Verbal update by the Chief Officer, Clinical Commissioning Group

15.  North Lincolnshire Strategic Plan – Verbal update by the Chief Officer, Clinical Commissioning Group


16.  None

17.  Date and time of next meeting:  16 September, 2pm

18.  Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT:-  Councillor Waltham in the chair.

Statutory Members

Caroline Briggs (representing Allison Cooke), Frances Cunning, Simon Driver, Denise Hyde and Julia Pollock

Non-Statutory Members

Richard Banks (representing Christine Bain), Chris Blacksell, Brian Booker, Anthony Forbes, Ewart Gibbs, Becky McIntyre, Lesley Potts, Alan Usher, and Mike Wedgewood.

Councillors Barker, Collinson, Whiteley and Wilson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37(b).
Dean Gillon, Fiona Phillips, Julie Poole and Lesley Potts also attended the meeting.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

69 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the sixth meeting of the board and invited all members and officers to introduce themselves.


71 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the board held on 25 March 2014 be approved as a correct record.

72 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – There were no questions from members of the public.

73 NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE STRATEGIC STATEMENT – The Director of Public Health gave a brief introduction to the Strategic Statement, before inviting Lesley Potts to provide more detail.  Lesley explained that the new statement provides an open, accessible source of data, organised into thematic or ‘life stage’ chapters.  The data would be updated monthly or as published, and would act as a ‘Statement of Place’ for North Lincolnshire.  It was confirmed that a multi-agency strategic group had been established to enable all partners to update the data as required, and that comparative data was available.   

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board approve and support the launch of the North Lincolnshire Strategic Statement and associated website. 

74 (43)  IMPLEMENTATION AND DELIVERY OF THE BETTER CARE FUND PLAN – The Director of Commissioning, North Lincolnshire CCG, and the Director of People submitted a joint report providing the Board with an update on the Better Care Plan and the assurance process following the plan’s submission on 4 April 2014.  NHS England’s Area Team had completed an initial assurance phase, and had now requested further information which was due to be submitted prior to 27 June 2014.  The report confirmed that a Joint Strategic Board had been created and was responsible for overseeing the development and delivery of the Better Care Fund plans.  The report also set out how the allocation of funding from NHS England was intended to be used, as managed by the Joint Strategic Board through the pooled budget arrangements. 

Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the update on the Better Care Fund Plan, (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the planned use of the social care funding allocated by NHS England to the local authority, and (c) that the Health and Wellbeing Board receives regular reports on the implementation and delivery of the Better Care Plan.  

75  (44)  NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE JOINT HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY DELIVERY PLANS 2013/14 – A report was submitted by the Director of Public Health updating the Health and Wellbeing Board on further work that had taken place on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Draft Delivery plans 2013/14.  Following the Health and Wellbeing Board’s approval of the outline plans in December 2013 (minute 31 refers), further work had been undertaken by lead officers and identified champions to develop SMART reporting cards, in line with Outcome Based Accountability methodology.  Five workshops had taken place, based around the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Priority Actions, and draft report cards for Priorities 2 and 3 were circulated to the Board.

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board agree the Delivery Plan report card contents for Priority Actions 2 and 3 in order to enable the progression towards meeting the required outcomes.

76 (45)   UPDATE ON JOINT HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY PRIORITY ACTION 5 – PEOPLE IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE LIVING HEALTHY AND FULFILLING LIVES – The Director of Public Health submitted a report, updating Board members on further work that had taken place on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan Priority 5 ‘People in North Lincolnshire lead fulfilling and healthy lives’.  The report included the draft action plan which identified lead officers, actions, ‘what success looks like’, measurable outputs and reports of progress.  Accompanying data was also provided.

 The Board engaged in a detailed discussion on how such updates could be utilised across the wider partnership, and how the local use of data could improve the services that are provided to local people.

Resolved (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board agree the report card update for Priority Action 5 and also agree that adequate progress is being achieved with regard to meeting the required outcomes, and (b) that any further feedback be forwarded to the Director of Public Health. 

77  (46)  HEALTHWATCH UPDATE – The Chair, Healthwatch North Lincolnshire introduced a report updating the Board on the progress of the local Healthwatch.  The report contained a draft of their Annual Report 2013/14, which described their work throughout the year.

Board members asked a number of questions regarding Healthwatch’s role and activity, including their Enter and View powers, development plans and their role in advocacy. 

Resolved – (a) That the update and progress of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire be noted, and (b) that Healthwatch North Lincolnshire continue t fulfil its role on the Health and Wellbeing Board. 

78 (47) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT – A report was submitted by the Director of Public Health providing the Board with an update on ongoing work to review and produce the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015-18.  Health and Wellbeing Boards have a responsibility to assess local need and publish an associated Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment by 1 April 2015.  A dedicated multi-disciplinary group had been established to prepare the assessment and a number of actions were planned to assist with this. 

Resolved – (a) That the report be noted, and (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board be kept informed of progress. 

79 (48)  ADOLESCENT LIFESTYLE SURVEY – The Director of Public Health tabled a report updating the Health and Wellbeing Board on the outcomes of the Adolescent Lifestyle Survey, confirming proposals for distribution and updating Board members on the outline action plan.

The Adolescent Lifestyle Survey took place in North Lincolnshire between October 2013 and February 2014, with questions developed in consultation with a range of stakeholders.  The Survey takes place every three years and the results inform a range of strategies, reports and policies.  The results were being analysed, but all participating schools received a copy of their individual survey results.

The Director of Public Health confirmed that the survey results would be disseminated in due course and would be available to discuss at a future Health and Wellbeing Board Development Session. A wide-ranging discussion took place, incorporating a general conversation about aspects of child and adolescent mental health, including self-harm.  The Chairman suggested that a report on this subject be submitted to a future Board meeting.

Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board acknowledges the outcomes of the Adolescent Lifestyle Survey, notes the emerging findings and the arrangements for distribution and further action, and (b) that a report on the prevalence, treatment and prevention of self-harm be submitted to a future meeting. 

80 (49)  INTEGRATED WORKING PARTNERSHIP – The Director of People submitted a report updating the Board on the work of the Integrated Working Partnership.  The purpose of the Partnership is to promote and encourage integrated working, and to identify and implement opportunities for integrated approaches and partnership working. 

Resolved – That the Board note the activity undertaken through the Integrated Working Partnership since the last Board meeting.

81 INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE – A verbal update was provided by the Director of Commissioning, North Lincolnshire CCG.  The update briefed the Board on the work and decisions taken by the Integrated Commissioning Partnership since the last Board meeting. 

Resolved – That the Board note the work undertaken by the Integrated Commissioning Partnership since the last Board meeting.

82 NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE STRATEGIC PLAN – The Director of Commissioning, North Lincolnshire CCG gave a verbal update on the CCG’s five year plan.  This aligned with other key documents across the wider partnership, and provided the future direction of the CCG. 

Resolved – (a) That the update be noted, and (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board be kept informed of progress of the draft plan, reporting back as required. 

83 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING –  It was noted that the next full meeting of the Board would be 2pm on 16 September.  Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to host future meetings in the International Room in the Civic Centre. 

84. ANY OTHER BUSINESS – The Chairman updated the panel on several issues.

The Board had applied to be included in the Local Government Association’s Peer Challenge programme, to enable an independent review of the Board’s role, programme and activity.

The Chairman also invited Board members to feed back preferences for receiving updates on achieving progress towards the aims of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy to the Director of Public Health.

Finally, the Chairman noted previous comments from the Adult Lay Member concerning discharge arrangements from local hospitals, and their potential impact on mortality rates. 

Resolved – (a) That necessary actions to co-ordinate the Peer Challenge application would be delegated to officers, with the Board kept informed, Board members would be kept informed of progress with the application, (b) that Board members be asked to feed back preferences on monitoring performance, and (c) that the Adult Lay Member take up and discuss the issue of discharge planning within North Lincolnshire with the respective commissioners, and the action subsequently be marked as resolved.