Health and Wellbeing Board – 9 December 2016

Chairman:  Councillor Baroness Liz Redfern
Venue:  Council Chamber, civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe
Time: 2pm


1.  Welcome and Introductions.

2.  Substitutions.

3.  Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.

4.  To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 1 July 2016.

5.  Questions from members of the public.


6.  Local Safeguarding Adults Board – Annual Report 2015/16.  Presentation by the Independent Chair.

7.  Local Safeguarding Children Board – Annual Report 2015/16.  Presentation by a Representative of Children’s Services.

North Lincolnshire Health and Social Care Transformation Plan – Presentation by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG.

9.  North Lincolnshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Refresh and Priorities and Actions 2016-18 – Report of the Interim Director of Public Health.

10.  Burden of Disease in Northern Lincolnshire and its Future Impact on the Health and Social Care Economy – Presentation and report of the Interim Director of Public Health

11.  Suicide Prevention Strategy – Report of the Assistant Director, Commissioning and Prevention.

12.  North Lincolnshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategy – Report of the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG.

13.  Better Care Fund 2016/17 Update and 2017-19 Planning Requirements – Report by the Interim Director of Adult Social Care and Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG.

14.  Establishment of an SEND Board – Report of the Assistant Director, Education.

15.  Integration Statement – Report of the Assistant Director, Prevention and Commissioning.

16.  Membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board – Report of the Director of Policy and Resources.

17.  Date and time of next meeting:  17 March 2017

18.  Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified


PRESENT:-  Councillor Baroness Redfern in the Chair.

Sandra Barker, Kian Borg-Jackson, Helena Dent, Cheryl George, Ewart Gibbs, Nick Hamilton-Rudd, Denise Hyde, Liane Langdon, Gillian Laurence, Becky McIntyre, Karen Pavey, Stephen Pintus, Dr Margaret Sanderson, Pete Thorpe, Anne Tyrrell and Moira Wilson.

Councillors Bainbridge, Collinson, Davison and L Foster attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37(b).

Dean Gillon and Julie Poole were in attendance.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

185     WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the fourteenth meeting of the board and invited all members and officers to introduce themselves.


187     MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the board held on 1 July 2016 be approved as a correct record.

188     QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – There were no questions from members of the public.

189     (5) LOCAL SAFEGUARDING ADULTS BOARD – ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16  – The Independent Chair gave a comprehensive overview of the Local Safeguarding Adults Board’s Annual Report, discussing the roles and values of the Board, ongoing work, and future priorities.  Information was given on referral numbers and internal governance arrangements, and the Health and Wellbeing Board were given assurances that the Board was performing well, with all appropriate safeguarding processes in place and improved links to other statutory bodies.  The Independent Chair then invited questions from Board members.

Resolved – (a) That the Independent Chair be thanked for her presentation, and (b) that the report be received and noted.

190     (6)  LOCAL SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD – ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 – A presentation was given by the Assistant Director, Commissioning and Prevention covering the Board’s role, statutory requirements, and effectiveness.  A description was given of the Board’s governance arrangements, which had recently been assured by an external peer challenge, and an outline of the Board’s work and future priorities was given.  There was a discussion about the content of the Annual Report, most notably around Tier 4 referrals for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.

Resolved – (a) That the Assistant Director, Commissioning and Prevention be thanked for her presentation; (b) an update in respect of Tier 4 referrals be provided to the chairman, and (c) that the report be received and noted.

191     NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRANSFORMATION PLAN – The Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, gave a detailed presentation on the development, timescale, ambitions and implementation of the Sustainable Transformation Plan (STP), and the potential impact for services in North Lincolnshire.  The presentation covered the current and planned financial situation, and the particular challenges for North Lincolnshire, and described the strategic actions taken and planned to further integrate health and social care services.

The Chairman led a wide-ranging discussion on the possible implications of the STP, including the Cost Improvement Plan, the role of GPs and pharmacies, and the contents of the Operational Plan to deliver the required changes.  The timescales for future consultation and engagement were also set out. The STP was broadly welcomed as an integrated, person-centred approach, with a particular focus on prevention and keeping people well.

Resolved – (a)That the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG be thanked for her detailed presentation; (b) that the Board note the contents of the presentation and the direction of travel, and (c) that the Board maintain an oversight of the STP.

192   (7)  NORTH LINCOLNHSIRE JOINT HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY REFRESH AND PRIORITIES AND ACTIONS 2016-18  – The Interim Director of Public Health provided an update in respect of the strategic priority actions agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board in July 2016.  The Interim Director also asked the Board to consider national drivers and local context, and agree to establish a task and finish group to revise the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

The Consultant in Public Health provided the Board with details of work undertaken on the priority actions of reducing the harm caused by tobacco and ensuring that adults and children have information, understanding and opportunities to achieve and maintain a healthier weight.  It was confirmed that a number of local and national drivers, including the recent Burden of Disease report (agenda item 193 refers) and the recent publication of new Public Health Outcomes data provided a timely opportunity for the Health and Wellbeing Board to reflect on the current strategy and to consider the preparation of a new version of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  The Board discussed progress on the previous priorities, and engaged in a discussion about adopting a ‘Community Wellbeing’ approach.

Resolved – (a) That the Board note the progress being made in achieving the two strategic priority actions, and (b) that the Board support a task and finish group to develop the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, reporting to a future Board meeting.

193     (8)  NORTHERN LINCOLNSHIRE BURDEN OF DISEASE REPORT 2016 – MAIN FINDINGS AND KEY ISSUES FOR NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Interim Director of Public Health provided details of a ‘Burden of Disease in Northern Lincolnshire’ report that had been commissioned by the Healthy Lives Healthy Futures Programme Board.  The report’s objectives were to:

  • Summarise the current burden of disease in North and North East Lincolnshire,
  • Predict the future burden and identify opportunities to intervene earlier,
  • Inform a ‘system-wide’ approach to prevention in North Lincolnshire,
  • Focus on ‘at scale’ evidence-based interventions which could inform local commissioning and the Northern Lincolnshire element of the local STP submission.

The Interim Director discussed the key findings and implications for North Lincolnshire, including around the social determinants of health and wellbeing, risk behaviours and conditions, and demographic considerations.

Resolved – (a) That a local prevention action plan be developed which addresses the key themes and recommendations of the Burden of Disease report; (b) that the report’s findings be utilised to inform the future review of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and (c) that the findings and recommendations of the Burden of Disease report inform an integrated, system-wide, place-based approach to health and wellbeing improvement in North Lincolnshire and across the developing care networks.

194    (9)  UPDATE ON THE SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN – The Assistant Director, Prevention and Commissioning tabled a report updating the Board on the progress of the Suicide Prevention Strategy and action plan, and asking the Board to consider the contents of a recently published Public Health England toolkit Local Suicide Prevention Planning (2016).  It was confirmed that an effective local Suicide Prevention Strategy Group was in operation to monitor and co-ordinate the suicide action plan, and details were given of key successes.

Resolved – That the Board note the contents of the report and accompanying action plan, and progress to date.

195    (10)  NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE’S CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S EMOTIONAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRANSFORMATION PLAN REFRESH – The Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG presented the local Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan Refresh, seeking endorsement of the refreshed Plan by the Board.  The Chief Officer explained that the plan set out how all agencies would work together to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people over the next five years.  A summary of the policy background and previous engagement was given in the report.

A number of recent key developments were described, including the commissioning of a local eating disorder service and the establishment of mental health champions in schools.  The Chairman led a discussion on the refreshed plan, including on issues such as transition from child to adult services and the development of an accessible ‘easy read’ version of the plan.

Resolved – That the Board note and endorse that refreshed plan.

196    (11)  BETTER CARE FUND: 2016-17 UPDATE AND 2017-19 PLANNING REQUIREMENTS – An update was given by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG and the Interim Director Adult Social Services, informing the Board of the key deliverables and implementation of services against the Better Care Fund (BCF) plan 2016-17, and providing an outline of the BCF planning requirements for 2017-19.

A description was given of a number of schemes that had been implemented, confirming that North Lincolnshire was meeting all eight national conditions.  It was also confirmed that budgets were all on-track and that many services were now main mainstreamed and performing well.  A description was given of the future planning requirements and the process for submitting the BCF initial submission in early 2017.

Resolved – (a)  That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the progress against the BCF Plan 2016/17 and its implementation and key deliverables, and (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board agree to delegate the agreement of the BCF initial submission to the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG and the Interim Director Adult Social Services, in consultation with the Chairman.

197    (12)  ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITIES (SEND) STANDARDS BOARD – The Assistant Director: Education presented a report confirming the establishment of a SEND Standards Board for North Lincolnshire.  The Board was a non-statutory partnership governance arrangement to oversee an integrated approach to improve outcomes for children and young people up to age 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  The Assistant Director explained that a detailed work programme was currently under development.

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board receive each year the approved Local Area Strategy for Children and Young People with SEND and the annual report on the effectiveness of local area arrangements.

198    (13)  INTEGRATED WORKING – The Assistant Director, Prevention and Commissioning, presented a report seeking to review the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Integration Statement, considering local arrangements for integrated working.  The Integrated Statement had been agreed and published in December 2013 and the publication of a new toolkit provided an opportunity to review arrangements and to establish how the Board was encouraging and promoting integrated working and joint commissioning.

Resolved – (a)  That the Board agree the revised Integration Statement and promote the Integration Suite of Documents within their organisations, and (b) that the Board consider establishing a task and finish group to test current and future integration arrangements within North Lincolnshire, feeding back to the Board at its next meeting.

199    DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING – It was explained that the next meeting of the Board was currently due to be held on 17 March 2017.  However, this would clash with a planned Local Safeguarding Adult Board annual conference.

Resolved – That the Board be advised of an alternate date in due course.