Planning Committee – 8 November 2006

Chairman: Councillor Wardle
Venue: Council Chamber, Pittwood House, Scunthorpe
Time: 2pm


  1. Substitutions.
  2. Declarations of Personal and Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).
  3. To take the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October, 2006 as a correct record and authorise the chairman to sign.
  4. Applications deferred from previous meeting for site visit.
    1. 06/1215 by Mr A Barker for the erection of a two–storey extension, including demolition of existing garage at 65 Greenfield Drive, Hibaldstow.
    2. 06/1121 by Mr and Mrs P Leach for the erection of a detached hose and 6 mews terrace houses and refurbishment of attached cottage and adjoining retail shop (to include demolition of garage workshop and workshop and stores and derelict house in rear yard) at 42–44 Chapel Street, Epworth.
    3. 06/1122 by Mr and Mrs P Leach for conservation area consent to demolish existing commercial garage, service and repair workshops and detached dwelling, and workshop and store buildings in the rear yard at 42–44 Chapel Street, Epworth.
    4. 06/1325 by Mr and Mrs R Johnson for the change of use of existing outbuildings and making of alterations and extensions to form a farm shop and café with associated farm displays and walking areas (resubmission of 2006/0758) at Medley Farm, Carrhouse Road, Carrhouse, Belton.
    5. 06/1247 by Dave Rylatt Motors for the erection of 10 dwellings, comprising 2 blocks of 4 three – storey terraced houses and a pair of semi – detached bungalows, with car parking and means of access (resubmission of 2006/0876) at Chancel Road, Bottesford.
    6. 06/1274 by Intech Environmental for the change of use of vacant land for storage purposes for vehicles, plant and equipment at Intech Environmental, Normanby Road, Scunthorpe.
  5. Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.
  6. Consultation by other bodies.

Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances which must be specified.

Note: Reports are by the Head of Planning and Regeneration unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT: – Councillor Wardle (Chairman).

Councillors Long (Vice-Chairman), Bunyan, Collinson, Eckhardt, England, Grant, Kirk, Phillips, Rowson and Whiteley.

Councillors Briggs and Holgate attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

The committee met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.


The following member declared a personal and prejudicial interest as follows:

Nature of Interest
Councillor Grant 860 (v) 06/1247 Knew the applicant

The following members declared personal interests

Nature of Interest
Councillor Collinson 860 (v) 06/1247 Member of Bottesford Town Council
Councillor Collinson 861 (vii) 06/1438 Member of Bottesford Town Council
Councillor Collinson 861 (viii) 06/1473 Knew Applicant
Councillor Eckhardt 861 (i) 06/1048 Member of Haxey Parish Council
Councillor England 861 (i) 06/1048 Was member of Liaison Committee
Councillor England 860 (v) 06/1247 Knew Applicant
Councillor England 861 (ix) & (x) 06/1477 & 06/1486 Had met landowner on three occasions
Councillor Grant 861 (vii) 06/1438 Member of Bottesford Town Council
Councillor Long 861 (ix) & (x) 06/1477 & 06/1486 Knew the owner of the land
Councillor Phillips 861 (xi) 06/1493 Knew the applicant
Councillor Rowson 861 (vi) 06/1418 Member of Winterton Town Council
Councillor Wardle 861 (ix) & (x) 06/1477 & 06/1486 Possibly knew landowner
Councillor Whiteley 860 (v) & 861 (vii) 06/1247 & 06/1438 Member of Bottesford Town Council

The following members attending the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 37 (b) declared personal interests as follows:

Nature of Interest
Councillor Briggs 862 (ii) 04/0092 Member of Crowle Town Council
Councillor Holgate 860 (ii) & (iii) 06/1121 & 06/1122 Member of Epworth Town Council

The following officers declared non–pecuniary interests as follows:

Nature of Interest
Mr M Welton Business Manager (Development Control) 861 (ix) & (x) 06/1477 & 06/1486 Season Ticket holder with Scunthorpe United Football Club
Mr S Whittemore Regulatory Support Officer 862 (i) 03/1630 Member of Scunthorpe Friends of the Earth who were supporting the application
Mr S Whittemore Regulatory Support Officer 862(ii) 04/0092 Friend did consultancy work for applicants

859 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 11 October, 2006 having been printed and circulated among the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman subject to the amendment of minute 851 (iii) by the deletion of the words “either” and “or a Section 106 Agreement”.

860 (45) APPLICATIONS DEFERRED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING – In accordance with the decisions at the previous meeting, members had undertaken site visits on the morning of the meeting. The Head of Planning and Regeneration submitted reports and updated them orally.

(i) 06/ 1215 by Mr A Barker for the erection of a two–storey side extension, including demolition of existing garage at 65 Greenfield Drive, Hibaldstow.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(ii) 06/1121 by Mr and Mrs P Leach for the erection of a detached house and 6 mews terrace houses and refurbishment of attached cottage and adjoining retail shop (to include demolition of garage workshop and stores and derelict house in rear yard) at 42 – 44 Chapel Street, Epworth.

Councillor Holgate, attending the committee in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 37 (b) spoke on this application.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(iii) 06/1122 by Mr and Mrs P Leach conservation area consent for the demolition of existing commercial garage, service and repair workshops and workshop and store buildings in the rear yard at 42 – 44 Chapel Street, Epworth.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(iv) 06/1325 by Mr and Mrs R Johnson for change of use of existing outbuildings and making alterations and extensions to form a farm shop and café with associated farm displays and walking areas (resubmission of 2006/0758) at Medley Farm, Carrhouse Road, Carrhouse, Belton.

Prior to consideration of this application an objector and one of the applicants addressed the committee.

The objector submitted that the proposal would be contrary to national policy on sustainable development and the council’s policies on development in the open countryside. The proposal would lead to disturbance to feral cats rescued and kept by the objector. There was not enough detail about the “walk” in the information submitted with the application. There should be no access off Carrhouse Lane.

The applicant stated that the proposal would provide benefits to the local community. It would provide local produce and reduce “food miles”. The site was currently a busy farm. The proposal would improve the local environment.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report subject to an additional condition requiring additional screening on the southern boundary of the site.

Prior to consideration of the following application, 06/1247, Councillor Grant having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the item left the meeting.

(v) 06/1247 by Dave Ryatt Motors for the erection of 10 dwellings, comprising 2 blocks of 4 three–storey terraced houses and a pair of semi–detached bungalows, with car parking and means of access (re–submission of 06/0876) at Chancel Road, Bottesford.

Prior to consideration of this application an objector and the applicant’s agent addressed the committee.

The objector stated that there had been no substantial change to a previous application for which permission had been refused. The proposal would lead to a loss of light. Any development should be at least 2.4 metres from the site boundary. A “snicket” would cause security problems for residents.

The agent stated that the proposal would reduce traffic in the vicinity. There had been no objections from the council’s Highways team. There was no intention to create a pedestrian “snicket” from Oakwood to Chancel Road. The scheme was substantially different to the previous application. The site was brownfield and the proposal would be a sustainable development being on a bus route and therefore potentially minimising car use by residents.

Members considered that the proposal would constitute over – development of the site. It would be incompatible with its locality which was characterised by spacious developments. The three–storey nature of the proposal would cause overlooking of nearby properties.

Resolved – That permission be refused for reasons as set out above.

(vi) 06/12274 by Intech Environmental for the change of use of vacant land for storage purposes for vehicles, plant and equipment at Intech Environmental, Normanby Road, Scunthorpe.

Prior to consideration of this application a representative of the applicants addressed the committee. He stated that the site was “brownfield” and had previously been used by Tarmac. The development limit was an illogical jagged line. There would be substantial environmental benefits arising from the proposal.

Members considered that the location was a reasonable one given that there was an existing speedway further outside the development limit and that, whilst the site might be technically greenfield, its previous history made it a suitable site for development.

Resolved – That permission be granted subject to standard conditions and conditions relating to parking and turning of vehicles and screening around the northern and eastern boundaries of the site.

861 (46) PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Head of Planning and Regeneration submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications.

(i) 05/1048 by Cemex Cement for the tipping of cement kiln dust (CKD) and inert waste above existing approved levels at Cemex Cement, South Ferriby Cement Works, Sluice Road, South Ferriby.

Prior to consideration of this an objector addressed the committee. She was not opposed to the proposal in principle but was concerned that the conditions proposed were fully complied with.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(ii) 06/0988 by Mr A Torn for the change of use of agricultural land into a sport and recreation facility on land south of Ings Road, Kirton–in–Lindsey.

Resolved – That it be noted that this application has been withdrawn.

(iii) 06/1045 by Mr M Hall for the retention of a boundary wall (amended plan received 7/9/06 to provide sightlines for vehicles) at Orchard Wells, Main Street, Graiselound, Haxey.

Resolved – That it be noted that this application be deferred at the request of the Head of Planning and Regeneration.

(iv) 06/1238 by Dr A Vora for the erection of a conservatory extension to an existing guest house at 34 Victoria Road, Barnetby le Wold.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(v) 06/1354 by Mr P Tutty for the erection of 2 detached houses on Plot to the front of 12 Abbey Road, Ulceby.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(vi) 06/1418 by Mr J Pell for the erection of a telescopic mast and amateur radio antennas in garden area at 33 Low Street, Winterton.

Prior to consideration of this the applicant addressed the committee. He stated that the proposal was designed to have the lowest possible impact on its surroundings. The mast would be telescopic and would not be visible from the road when retracted, which would be for 90 per cent of the time. There had been no objections from the Town Council. There would be no risk to health as the frequencies emitted would be very low. The risk of bird strike would be extremely remote.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(vii) 06/1438 by J S Bloor (Measham) Ltd for consent to prune trees T10, T11, T12, T3, T 15, T16 and to fell tree T14 protected by a tree preservation order on land to the rear of 15 & 22 Fieldfare Close, Bottesford.

The Head of Planning and Regeneration reported that Bottesford Town Council had withdrawn its objection to this application.

Resolved – That consent be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(viii) 06/1473 by Mr and Mrs Smithson for the erection of an extension to an existing barn conversion at Barn Stable, Old Village Street, Gunness.

Prior to consideration of this an objector addressed the committee. He was concerned that the extension would be too close to the neighbouring property and would lead to loss of light, traffic noise and pollution. The garage would be out of character with the locality.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until the next meeting and that members visit the site prior to that meeting.

(ix) 06/1477 by Scunthorpe United FC Ltd for the retention of the change of use of an agricultural building to create an indoor training facility at Grange Farm, Neap House Road, Gunness.

Prior to consideration of this a representative of the applicants addressed the committee. He stated that the site had been used for this purpose since November 2005. It had played an important part in the recent success of the club. He asked that if a temporary permission was to be granted that it be until the end of the 2009/2010 football season.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report subject to the amendment of condition 4 by the replacement of “30 November, 2009” with “ 31 May 2010”.

(x) 06/1486 by Scunthorpe United FC Ltd for the change of use of land to provide four football training pitches at Grange Farm, Neap House Road, Gunness.

Prior to consideration of this application a representative of the applicants addressed the committee. He asked that if a temporary permission was to be granted that it be until the end of the 2009/2010 football season.

Resolved – (a) That the committee is mindful to grant permission for the development; (b) that the application be referred to the Secretary of State in accordance with statutory procedures to enable her to consider whether or not she wishes to intervene, and (c) that in the event of the Secretary of State deciding not to intervene, the decision be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration subject to the conditions contained in the report with the exception of Condition 6 to be amended to make the use temporary until 31 May 2010.

(xi) 06/1493 by Mr and Mrs C Dawson for consent to fell two oak trees (T47 and T48) covered by the Tree Preservation (land East of Luneburg Way, Scunthorpe) Order 2000 at 6 Avenue Rouen, Scunthorpe.

Prior to consideration of this application a representative of the applicants addressed the committee. He stated that he wanted to fell the trees in order to extend his driveway in order to get an additional vehicle onto it. This would stop that vehicle from being parked on the street.

Resolved – That permission be refused in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

Prior to consideration of the following item, Minute 862, Mr S Whittemore, having declared a non–pecuniary interest in the applications, left the meeting.

862 (47) CONSULTATIONS BY OTHER PUBLIC BODIES – The Head of Planning and Regeneration submitted a report informing the committee of two applications to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on which the council had been consulted. The committee had previously resolved to object to both applications (Minute 684 refers). However both applicants had submitted supplementary environmental information in support of their applications. The committee was therefore invited to consider its position in the light of that further information and in advance of the public inquiry to be held into both applications.

(i) 03/1630 by Renewable Energy Systems Ltd for consent to construct and operate a 85 MW wind turbine generating station at Keadby.

Councillor Briggs, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b) spoke in support of the officer’s recommendation.

Resolved – That after considering the supplementary environmental information submitted voluntarily by RES in respect of the Keadby wind farm proposal, the council wishes to advise the DTI that the council maintains its objection to the proposal.

(ii) 04/0092 by E.ON UK Renewables Ltd for consent to construct and operate an 66 MW wind turbine generating station at Tween Bridge, Crowle.

Councillor Briggs, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37 (b) spoke in support of the officer’s recommendation.

Resolved – That after considering the supplementary environmental information submitted voluntarily by RES in respect of the Tween Bridge wind farm proposal, the council wishes to advise the DTI that the council maintains its objection to the proposal.