Planning Committee – 16 November 2011

Chair:  Councillor Bunyan
Venue:  The Council Chamber, Pittwood House, Scunthorpe
Time:  2pm


  1. Substitutions
  2. Declarations of personal and personal and prejudicial interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (lobbying) and whipping arrangements (if any)
  3. To take the minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2011 as a correct record and authorise the chair to sign
  4. Major planning applications
  5. Planning and other applications for determination by the committee
  6. Enforcement update
  7. Planning Statistics – July to September 2011
  8. Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified

Note: All reports are by the Acting Head of Planning unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT:  Councillor Bunyan (in the chair).

Councillor Wardle (Vice – Chairman), Councillors Ali, Allcock, Bainbridge, Collinson, England, Grant, Rowson and N Sherwood.

Councillors Briggs, Redfern, C Sherwood and Waltham attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule1.37 (b).

The committee met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.


The following members declared a personal interest:

Members Minute Applications
Nature of Interest
Cllr Ali 1388 (i) 2010/1415 Knew Objector
Cllr Bainbridge       1389 (vii)         2011/1092            NLH Board Member         
Cllr Collinson 1388 (i) 2010/1415 Knew Objector


The following members declared that they had been lobbied:

Members                          Minute                        Application/Item         
Cllr Ali 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Allcock 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Allcock 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Bainbridge 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Bainbridge 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Collinson 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Collinson 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Bunyan 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Bunyan 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr England 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr England 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Grant 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Rowson 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Rowson 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr N Sherwood 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr N Sherwood 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Wardle 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Wardle 1388 (ii) 2010/1430

The following members, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b) declared a personal interest: 

Members Minute Applications
Nature of Interest
Cllr Redfern 1389 (i) 2011/0263 Ward Member & Parish Councillor
Cllr C Sherwood 1388 (i) 2010/1415 Ward Member & Member of Brigg Town Council
Cllr C Sherwood 1388 (ii) 2010/1430 Ward Member & School Governor at Brigg Primary School
Cllr Waltham 1388 (i)
1388 (ii)


Ward Member

Ward Member & School Governor at Brigg Primary School

Cllr Waltham 1389 (v) 2011/0995 Ward Member & knew applicant
Cllr Waltham 1389 (vii) 2011/1092 NLH Board Member


The following members declared that they had been lobbied: –

Members Minute              Application/Item                
Cllr Briggs 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Briggs 1388 (ii) 2010/1430
Cllr Redfern 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr C Sherwood 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Waltham 1388 (i) 2010/1415
Cllr Waltham 1388 (ii) 2010/1430


1387  MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 19 October 2011, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

1388  (30) MAJOR PLANNING APPLICATION – The acting Head of Planning submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of a major application for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The acting Head of Planning updated the report orally where appropriate.  Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i)  2010/1415 by Tesco Stores Limited for permission to erect a supermarket, and carry out associated alterations and improvements to an existing petrol filling station, car park layout and associated access and landscaping, which included the demolition of the existing Tesco and Lidl stores.

The application had been referred to the Committee as a Member ‘call-in’ from Councillor Waltham who explained that there had been significant public interest in the impact on the highway network and the scale of the development.

Prior to consideration of this application five objectors and a representative of the applicant addressed the committee.

The objectors were concerned with the trading forecast that had been outlined by Tesco Stores Ltd, the perceived increase in sales that would be generated within the store and the overall impact that this would have on local businesses in Brigg Town Centre.  It was considered that there were significant gaps within the proposal and that the store had not conducted an adequate impact assessment.  Concerns were expressed about the lack of substantive evidence to support the view that the application would enhance the town of Brigg and would not deplete the footfall within the town centre, or add to the traffic congestion through Brigg.

A speaker brought reference to the fact that the existing store was located on what was considered to be a significant bronze age site.  Tesco Stores Ltd had recognised this and had arranged core sampling on the remainder of the site.  It was explained that core sampling was considered to be an inadequate method for this site and a full archeaological survey was requested prior to the development.

Other concerns raised by the objectors, were the impact on the historical centre of Brigg, the store design was not in keeping with the existing properties, the impact of increased traffic on Barnard Avenue and the difficulties that this would pose to disabled residents of Brigg and users of the new store.

The applicants’ representative stated that the new proposed store would create 100 new jobs, and encourage more people to Brigg.  Tesco Stores Ltd had received in the region of 1000 verbal messages of support and 160 letters of support had been received by North Lincolnshire Council.

The Committee was advised by the applicants’ representative that the proposals addressed the highway concerns and it was considered that they would improve the flow through Brigg rather than restrict traffic.  In addition plans had been outlined to improve the riverside area, and the construction materials being used would blend in with the surrounding area.

Councillors C Sherwood and Waltham, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b), spoke on this application and expressed concerns over the impact that the store would have on traffic, specifically at peak times and how this could be detrimental to the local businesses.

Resolved – (a) That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report, subject to the amendment to condition 6 as recommended by the Planning Officer.

(ii)  2010/1430 by Lidl UK GmbH for permission to erect a food retail store with associated works on the site adjacent to the junction of Ancholme Way and Atherton Way, Brigg.

The application had been referred to the Committee as a Member ‘call-in’ from Councillor Waltham who explained that there had been significant public interest in the impact on the highway network and the scale of the development.

There were no objectors in attendance to speak on this application.

The applicants’ representative explained that the current store was 30 years old and in need of improvement.  It was considered that the relocation would allow the necessary improvements to be made and provide a better shopping environment for the customers as well as improvements being made to the environment qualities of the building.

Local feedback suggested that the majority of those consulted were in support.

The Planning Officer was consulted and confirmed that 156 letters of support had been submitted.  Amendments were proposed to conditions 17, 24, 25 and 29 of the recommendations to reflect comments from some of the consultees.

Resolved  That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report, subject to the amendment to conditions 17, 24, 25 and 29 as recommended by the Planning Officer.

1389  (31) PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS – The Acting Head of Planning submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The Acting Head of Planning updated the reports orally where appropriate. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i)  2011/0263 by SK Fuel Ltd for permission to erect a new kiosk building and car wash on the existing garage site and adjacent land, 12 High Street, Belton.

Prior to consideration of this application the applicant and an objector addressed the committee.

The objectors’ representative expressed concerns over traffic, larger vehicles making deliveries at the site, the lack of parking spaces and how this would result in more vehicles being parked on the road, and the proximity of the new building to the adjacent bungalow.

The applicants’ representative stated that the proposals had been submitted in a bid to improve the physical impact of the site and the access from the road, and provide better organisation of the site.  It was explained that the anticipated increase in business takings was an estimate, and it was considered that the client base would similar to the existing, supplying local people.

Councillor Redfern, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule  1.37 (b), spoke on this application and expressed concerns over the volume of traffic on the A161, perceived problems with vehicular access to and from the site and also the impact on child safety as it was adjacent to the school.  A site visit was requested for these reasons.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until a future meeting and that members visit the site prior to that meeting. The reason for the site visit is the proximity to the school and child safety concerns, to consider the impact on traffic volume and vehicles queuing on the road.

(ii)  2011/0747 by Mr C & Mrs S Morley for permission to demolish an existing building, and erect a new dwelling and boundary wall with associated access, The Poplars, Brigg Road, Wressle, Broughton.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(iii)  2011/0802 by Birchwood Developments Ltd for permission to erect four dwellings with appearance, landscaping and scale reserved for subsequent approval, land to the rear of Pine Lodge, Barton Lane, Barrow upon Humber.

The applicants’ representative stated that the proposals had been submitted, however there were concerns over the timescales limit quoted in part iii of the recommendations.   The matter was referred to the acting Head of Planning for comment, who advised that it was normal practice to apply a timescale, however he agreed that 31 December 2011 was not adequate.  After referral to the Head of Legal, it was agreed that the timescale should be altered to 31 March 2012.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until a future meeting and that members visit the site prior to that meeting. The reason for the site visit is to consider the access to and egress from the site and the impact on the surrounding properties.

(iv)  2011/0820 by Mr A Hussain for permission to retain and complete a bungalow, Sandbank Farm, Sandbank Lane, Eastoft.

The applicants’ representative stated that the applicant would like to proceed if permission be granted.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(v)  2011/0995 by Ms J Chappell for permission to retain a dwelling house, The Hatcheries, Marsh Lane, Barnetby le Wold.

The application had been referred to the Committee as a Member ‘call-in’ from Councillor C Sherwood on the grounds that there had been significant public interest.

The acting Head of Planning provided an overview of the extenuating circumstances surrounding this application, and explained that it fell outside the planning strategies.

Councillors C Sherwood and Waltham, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b), spoke on this application and requested that an element of human compassion was given to the application and for Ms Chappell to be permitted to remain in the dwelling for the remainder of her life.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report and that this be subject to a life time limit.

(vi)  2011/1035 by K Weston for permission to retain a fence around an existing property, Blenheim, Bigby Road, Brigg.

Councillor Waltham, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b), spoke on this application.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(vii)  2011/1092 by North Lincolnshire Homes for permission to install dropped kerb (resubmission of PA/2010/1318), 91 High Street, Burringham.

The application had been referred to the Committee as a Member ‘call-in’ from Councillor Waltham on the grounds that there had been significant public interest.

Councillor Waltham, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b), spoke on this application

Resolved – That permission be refused in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(viii)  2011/1158 by Mr A Lidgard for advertisement consent to display one illuminated logo sign, one illuminated fascia and one free-standing illuminated sign (resubmission of PA/2011/0670), Ashbourne Hotel, Vicarage Lane, North Killingholme.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

1390  (32) ENFORCEMENT UPDATE – The Acting Head of Planning submitted a schedule giving details of progress in respect of matters on which he had taken enforcement action under delegated authority.

 Resolved – That the report be noted.

1391  (33) PLANNING STATISTICS – JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2011 – The Acting Head of Planning submitted details of the numbers of applications received and determined, broken down by category, in the period July to September 2011.

Resolved – That the report be noted.