Planning Committee – 28 August 2013

Chair:  Councillor Bunyan
Venue:  The Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Scunthorpe
Time:  2 pm
1.  Substitutions.
2.  Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).
3.  To take the minutes of the meeting held on 31 July 2013 as a correct record and authorise the chairman to sign.

4.  Major Planning Applications.

5.  Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.

6.  Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.

Note: All reports are by the Head of Development Management unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT:  Councillor Bunyan (in the Chair).
Councillors England (Vice-Chairman), Ali, Allcock, Collinson, Davison, Glover, Grant, Rowson and Wardle.

Councillors Briggs, Evison and Waltham attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The committee met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


The following members declared personal interests as follows:

Members Minute Applications
Nature of Interest
Cllr Allcock 13/0638 Member of CPRE
Cllr Allcock 13/0620 Knew applicant through membership of the Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Level Management Board.
Cllrs Collinson, England and Rowson 13/0620 Knew the applicant.
Cllr Wardle 1537 (i) 13/0754 Knew objectors.

The following members declared that they had been lobbied:

Members Minute (s) Application/Item
Cllrs Ali, Allcock, Bunyan, Collinson, England and Wardle. 13/0620

The following member attending the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b) declared a personal interest as follows:

Member Minute Application
Nature of Interest
Cllr Briggs 13/0620 Knew applicant as fellow member of Isle of Axholme and North Notts Water Level Management Board.

The following members, attending the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b) declared that they had been lobbied:

Member Minute Application/Item
Cllr Briggs 13/0620
Cllr Evison 1537 (i) 13/0754

1536  MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 31 July 2013, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

1537  (9) MAJOR PLANNING APPLICATION – The Head of Development Management submitted a report containing details of a major application for determination by the committee including a summary of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the application. In accordance with Procedure Rule D1.35 (i) (a), members had previously undertaken a site visit. The Head of Development Management updated the report orally. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i) 13/0754 by Mrs J Gilbert, Carlton Education and Enterprise for the conversion of existing commercial buildings to 17 affordable flats and a warden’s flat to provide starter accommodation for single young persons with training room and construction of plant/store room, parking facilities, cycle and motorcycle storage, a bin storage/recycling area and external lighting (including part demolition of existing buildings and full demolition of existing garages on site) on site adjacent to Ferriby Road, Barton-upon-Humber.

Prior to consideration of this application five representatives of the applicant and two objectors addressed the committee.

The applicant stated that the application was supported by the council’s officers and the local Member of Parliament. There was also a petition in support of it. The application complied with all the relevant planning policies. There was a large and increasing need for affordable accommodation for single people in the Barton area. The proposal would provide a range of formal and informal learning opportunities for the tenants. It would be supervised by a warden.

The second representative of the applicant stated that the proposed biomass boiler was exempted by Defra under the Clean Air Act and would be housed in a purpose built building away from neighbouring gardens. The revised proposal now included a training room which would be supported by the wardens. Suggestions by the police in relation to crime prevention had been incorporated in the application. Visual screening would be provided using a careful selection of trees. The size of windows had been increased from the previous application and sun pipes and natural means of ventilation would be utilised.

The third representative of the applicant talked about the applicant’s training programmes

The applicant’s architect stated that the application site was a sustainable location close to the town centre and accessible via a choice of transport modes. The tenants were not expected to be car owners. Cycle storage facilities would be provided on site. A travel plan would be prepared and updated annually. Sufficient car parking bays, including provision for disabled, would also be provided on site and there was nearby free car parking available. The access road would have a designated passing place. The warden would keep turning areas for larger vehicles clear. The development would result in a lower level of traffic than at present.

The final representative of the applicant stated that the proposal would provide affordable housing for people who had little chance of obtaining housing under the Home Choice scheme. There were very few housing developments in the area with on site wardens. The high density of the scheme was appropriate for this location.

The first objector stated that the site had gardens on all sides, including her own. Most of the neighbouring properties were occupied by older people. She was concerned at the possibility of noise and disturbance from the prospective tenants who would be younger people. The access to the site, via an unadopted road, was unsuitable.

The second objector stated that the application was not significantly different to that previously refused earlier in the year. It was in a remote location with poor access. Large vehicles would struggle to get in and out of the site. The site would be difficult to police.

Councillor Evison, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.36 (b) spoke on this application.

Members considered that the changes made to the application previously refused (PA/2013/0285) were not significant to warrant an approval.

Resolved – That permission be refused on the grounds that the location of the development was unsuitable and the development would be detrimental to the amenities of the occupiers of adjacent properties; that it would be an inappropriate and over-intensive use of the site with insufficient levels of amenity for the occupiers of the new units; and that the access is unsatisfactory and would lead to road safety issues.

1538  (10)  PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS – The Head of Development Management submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The Head of Development Management updated the reports orally where appropriate. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i)   13/0202 by Mr Ben Pepperell for listed building consent for the construction of a boundary wall, fencing and gates at Bonby House, Carr Lane, Bonby.

Resolved – That consent be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(ii)  13/0274 by Mr D Pratt for permission to fell a poplar tree (T242 of the Westcliff Greenways Order 1988) located behind 41/43 Salisbury Close, Scunthorpe.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(iii)  13/0532 by Mr Lee Moore for the retention of a storage container for boiler and installation of fans to the existing polytunnel at Butters Lodge, Soff Lane, Goxhill.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(iv)  13/0597 by Archers Commercials Ltd for the erection of a workshop building and change of use of land to include the sale, repair and maintenance of commercial vehicles.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(v)   13/0620 by Ian Fowler and Company for the erection of a wind turbine and associated infrastructure.

Prior to consideration of this application the applicant and one objector addressed the committee.

The applicant stated that the turbine was required to support his farming enterprise which had high energy usage and would, therefore, reduce expenditure and cut Co2 emissions.  In submitting the application he had taken into account all relevant factors including the use of Planning Practice Guidance for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy.  The turbine would not have a significant impact on the surrounding area and on neighbours and met all relevant statutory requirements and was supported by council policy. It was in fact supported by neighbours.

The objector stated that the proposed wind turbine and associated infrastructure would have a detrimental impact on the area and on house prices and questioned the need for it when there was already a turbine which was more than enough.

Councillors Briggs and Waltham attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.36 (b) spoke on this application.

Resolved – That permission be refused on the grounds of cumulative impact and the unacceptable harm to the local landscape and visual amenity of the area.

(vi)  13/0638 for permission to construct a boundary wall, fencing and gates at Bonby House, Carr Lane, Bonby.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report.

(vii)  13/0757 conservation area consent to demolish building D and part of building C at the site adjacent to Ferriby Road, Barton-upon-Humber as detailed on the plan attached to the report.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.