Planning Committee – 18 January 2017

Chair:  Councillor N Sherwood
Venue:  The Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Scunthorpe
Time:  2 pm
E-mail address:


1.       Substitutions.

2.       Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).

3.           Applications deferred from previous meeting for a site visit.

4.          Major Planning Applications

5.          Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.

6.           Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.

Note: All reports are by the Head of Development Management unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT:-  Councillor N Sherwood (Chairman)

Councillors Allcock (Vice-Chairman), Bainbridge, Collinson, Glover, Grant, Longcake, Mumby-Croft, Ogg and Wilson.

Councillor(s) Briggs, Clark, Hannigan, Marper, Reed, Rose and Rowson  attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

The committee met at Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


The following member declared a personal and prejudicial interest as a member attending in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b):-

Member(s) Minute Application(s) Nature of Interest
Cllr Marper 1790(xii) PA/2016/1777 Neighbours property.

The following members declared a personal interest:-

Member(s) Minute Application(s) Nature of Interest
Cllr Allcock 1788(ii) 1789(i) 1790(ii)1790(iv)1790(vi)1790(ix)1790(xi) PA/2016/0015 PA/2016/1315 PA/2016/990 PA/2016/1395 PA/2016/1537 PA/2016/1644 PA/2016/1747 Member of the Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Management Board.
Cllr Briggs



General General Member of the Fire Authority and Member of the Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Management Board.
Cllr Collinson 1790(xiii) 1790(x) PA/2016/1778 PA/2016/1645 Friends of the Applicant. Member of Bottesford Town Council.
Cllr Ogg 1788(i) PA/2015/0856 Knows the Applicant.
Cllr Wilson 1790(xiii) PA/2016/1778 Knows the Applicant.

The following members declared that they had been lobbied:-

Member(s) Application(s) Minute
Cllr Allcock PA/2015/0856 PA/2016/0834 PA/2016/1395 1788(i) 1790(i) 1790(iv)
Cllr Clark PA/2016/0834 1790(i)
Cllr Collinson PA/2016/0834 PA/2016/1395 1790(i) 1790(iv)
Cllr Glover PA/2015/0856 PA/2016/0834 PA/2016/1395 1788(i) 1790(i) 1790(iv)
Cllr Hannigan

Cllr Longcake

PA/2015/0856 PA/2015/0834

1788(i) 1790(i)

Cllr Marper PA/2016/1777 1790(xii)
Cllr Mumby-Croft PA/2016/0834 PA/2015/0856 PA/2016/1395 1790(i) 1788(i) 1790(iv)
Cllr Rose PA/2016/990 1790(ii)
Cllr N Sherwood PA/2016/0834 PA/2015/0856 PA/2016/1395 1790(i) 1788(i) 1790(iv)


1788   (28)    APPLICATIONS DEFERRED FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING – In accordance with the decisions at the meeting held on 14 December 2016, members had undertaken site visits prior to the meeting.  The Head of Development Management submitted reports and updated them orally.

(i)          PA/2015/0856 by Mr & Mrs N Johnson for planning permission to erect four dwellings and a garage on plot 2 at land at 4 Messingham Lane, Scawby, DN20 9AZ.

An objector addressed the committee and raised a number of concerns with regard to the poor visibility, and narrow access on a busy junction. She was worried about access for the emergency services, the distance required for the bin collections, along with privacy issues from overlooking windows onto her property.

The agent referred to the details in the officer’s report and reiterated that it was in a residential, a sustainable development that complied with planning policy, and was in keeping with the character of the area.

Cllr Allcock indicated that following the site visit, he was happy that it was a large plot with a lot of green space, with considerable distance between new and existing properties and therefore, agreed with the officer’s recommendations to grant permission.
Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report.

(ii)         PA/2016/0015 by Mr Richard Mills, North Lincs Property Ltd for planning permission to retain change of use of land for a builder’s yard (storage and distribution), erect bunkers for the storage and bagging of aggregates and erect an ancillary office block at land adjacent to Protruck Auctions, Sandtoft Industrial Estate Road 1, Belton, DN9 1PN.

The agent highlighted all the issues involved and the need for the employers to expand the business as they required more space.  He referred to the letter of objection relating to transport issues and confirmed that the applicant had an independent transport report carried out, and the result of that was that the level additional traffic would not have an impact on the local road network.

Cllr Allcock stated that having visited the site it was just a small extension on a site that was already for industrial use. Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

1789   (29)  MAJOR APPLICATION – The Head of Development Management submitted a report containing details of major application for determination by the committee, including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the application.

(i)          PA/2016/1315 by Mr Tony Webster for outline planning permission for a residential development of up to 14 dwellings including means of access at Old Railway Sidings, A18 from Althorpe to Gunness, Althorpe.

The Head of Development Management updated the committee and informed it that the reason for it going to committee was due to the development being a  departure from the development plan, and after receiving a call-in from Cllr Briggs due to significant public interest.

The agent stated that the development was proposed on the edge of the village and close to local amenities.  He indicated it had passed all the sequential tests for flooding, and it was a great opportunity to unlock potential housing growth in the area.  He said there was no other site nearby for the development.

Cllr Briggs as ward member informed the committee that whilst he would love to see the site developed it should not be approved for residential use.  It was a site ear marked for business and it was outside the development limits.  He said there were sites in Keadby and Althorpe within the development limits that would be much more suitable for residential development.

Cllr Allcock having visited the site agreed it was a site for industrial operations with the railway running alongside it.  He said it was for industrial development and there were other sites in the area for housing development.

Councillor Bainbridge had concerns with the application as she felt there had been little community involvement or consultation.  It was a departure from policy on a piece of land designated for economic development.

It was moved by Councillor Allcock and seconded by Councillor Glover –

That planning permission be refused for the following reason:-

The proposed development lies outside of the established settlement boundary of Keadby where development is restricted to that which is essential to the functioning of agricultural or forestry enterprises.  A sufficient justification for this residential development being located outside the settlement boundary has not been submitted to accompany this application. The proposal would therefore result in an inappropriate development outside of any established settlement boundary contrary to policies CS2, CS3 and CS8 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy, along with policy RD2 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Motion Carried.

1790   PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS – The Head of Development Management submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications.  The Head of Development Management updated the reports orally where appropriate.  Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i)          PA/2016/834 by The Co-operative Group for planning permission for change of use from use class A4 to use class A1 with extension, external alterations and works to car park area, including demolition of outbuilding in conservation area at Royal Oak Inn, High Street, Barrow upon Humber, DN19 7DB.

The Head of Development Management updated the committee informing it that two further letters of objection had been received.  They contained the same views and concerns already listed in the officer’s report, and therefore it did not change the recommendation.

An objector raised a number of issues that were of concern to residents in the village of Barrow.  He highlighted that the work would be in a conservation area on one of the oldest buildings in the village, and would have a significant impact on the look of the market place. He was also concerned about the additional traffic that would be generated, increased congestion and problems with on-street parking.

The agent believed that the proposal would encourage economic growth and investment into the village, and appreciated it was in a conservation area.  Having said that, he felt that all the concerns and reasons for recommended refusal could easily be dealt with through traffic calming measures, and the addition conditions attached to any permission. He asked the committee to consider deferring the application if necessary to investigate some of the issues.

Cllr Hannigan as ward member, and speaking on behalf of a significant number of residents in Barrow urged the committee to refuse the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.  He referred to the public consultation that was carried out when 86% of the return wished to reject the proposal.  He felt it was acritical element of the market square and any alterations to it would ruin the street scene.

Resolved – That planning permission be refused in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(ii)         PA/2016/990 by Mr Karl Collins for outline planning permission to erect a dormer dwelling with appearance and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval at land adjacent to 38 Brethergate, Westwoodside, Haxey, DN9 2AE.

Cllr Rose as ward member urged the committee to refuse the grounds on highway safety.  He informed the committee that he had serious concerns about the highway implications on a very busy road and junction.  He said there had been numerous accidents on the road, and was also next to a bus stop that would add to the danger.

Cllr Allcock stated that a house had just been built next to the proposed site, and if the application was to be approved would create two exits from the properties onto a busy road where there had already been numerous accidents.

It was moved by Cllr Allcock and seconded by Cllr Mumby-Croft that:-

Planning permission be refused for the following reason:-

The proposed access arrangements to serve the development are not considered satisfactory and are likely to interfere with the safe flow of traffic along Brethergate. The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to policy T2 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Motion Carried.

(iii)        PA/2016/1370 by Mrs Kim Goad for outline planning permission to erect a four-bedroomed detached chalet bungalow and detached garage with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent approval at land south-east of Southview, 35 South Cliff Road, Kirton in Lindsey, DN21 4NR.

The agent referred to the report and highlighted that there had been no objections received from the statutory consultees.  He said there would be no overlooking the neighbour’s property, with no adverse impact on the area.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report.

(iv)        PA/2016/1395 by Mr Josh Davis, Renparts Ltd for planning permission for retention of car racking units and erection of 5 metre high fence at Plot 2b, Sandtoft Industrial Estate Road 1, Belton, DN9 1PN. The applicant reassured the committee that he was not looking to extend the racks, he just wanted to retain the ones already present.  He stated that he had spent a great deal of money on the racks to ensure staff safety, and they look less unsightly then stacked vehicles.  It was the intention to erect a fence to mask the racks.

Cllr Ogg was concerned about the views from Belton Parish Council and felt that a site visit would be beneficial before a decision was taken.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred to a future meeting and that members visit the site, prior to the meeting.

(v)         PA/2016/1403 by Mr Rowbottom for planning permission to erect five dwellings with associated access road at The Old Maltings, Kings Road, Barnetby le Wold.

The Head of Development Management informed the committee of the details of a revised plan that had been submitted.

Cllr Mumby-Croft sought clarification from Highways with regards to the revised plan.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report. (vi)        PA/2016/1537 by Mr Paul Davies for planning permission to erect a detached chalet bungalow and detached garage at plot adjacent to Chalett, Woodhouse Road, Woodhouse, Belton, DN9 1QQ.

The agent stated that the application was for a small infill bungalow, and similar applications had been approved not far from the plot a few months earlier.  He believed it was in a sustainable location and would enhance the vitality of the rural community.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(vii)      PA/2016/1588 by Mr Tim Day for planning permission to erect a detached dwelling at land adjacent to Hillside Lodge, Brigg Road, Wrawby, DN20 8RQ.

The Head of Development Management informed the committee that following the agenda being published a letter of objection had been received with concerns around the visibility splay, and the removal or a hedge.

An objector was not against the erection of the dwelling or the parking, but had concerns over the access over other people’s gardens.

The agent tried to reassure the committee with regard to the objections received from Wrawby Parish Council.  She referred to the officer’s report indicating that Highways had no objections to the parking or turning in relation to the application.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(ix)     PA/2016/1644 by Mr Kevin Reavy for planning permission to erect a detached dormer bungalow with integral garage at 34 Doncaster Road, Westwoodside, DN9 2EE.

Resolved –   That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report. (x)      PA/2016/1645 by Mr David Croft, SPB Group Limited for planning permission to retain change of use of land from storage of aggregate materials to crushing and processing/washing of aggregates at land north of 35 Hoylake Road, Bottesford, DN17 2AZ.

The applicant informed the committee that it was a fresh application to the one submitted last year.  The new applicant was re-submitted with reduced operating hours.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(xi)     PA/2016/1747 by Mr Jason Green for planning permission to erect a two-storey rear extension at 22 Hollingsworth Lane, Epworth, DN9 1EX.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(xii)  PA/2016/1777 by Mr Richard Neish for planning permission to erect a detached four-bedroom house with new vehicular access at land adjacent to 30 High Street, Burton upon Stather, DN15 9DE.

An objector highlighted a number of concerns he had with the application, they included; no vehicle would be able to gain access without sinking on the land, safety issues for large vehicles trying to gain access to the site, access being restricted, possibility of flooding and loss of privacy and light to properties on the High Street.  He urged the committee to have a site visit as he felt the plan of the site was misleading and indicated the plot would extend much further back than the one detailed in the application that was previously approved on appeal.

Cllr Mumby-Croft stated that a previous application had been granted in 2009, there had been no objections from Highways, and it was considered sustainable development that would fit in with the High Street with no unacceptable impact on the neighbouring properties.

Cllr Rowson addressed the committee as ward member and asked the committee to hold a site visit before making a decision on the application.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred to a future meeting and that members visit the site, prior to the meeting.

(xiii)  PA/2016/1778 by Mr & Mrs M Godfrey for planning permission to erect a replacement conservatory at 43 Lloyds Avenue, Scunthorpe, DN17 1BY.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report.