Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel – 27 April 2009

PRESENT:  Councillor Barker in the chair.

Councillors Sidell (vice-chairman), Armitage, Collinson, Eckhardt, Simpson, and Wells.

Councillors Poole and Wilson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37 (b).

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

150  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS – The following member declared a personal interest in the following matter:-


Member Minute Subject & Nature of Interest
Councillor Wells 152 Member of St. Johns Ambulance Service


Mr D Gillon, Scrutiny Officer on rising of the public meeting also declared a non-pecuniary interest, for matters discussed within the planning and evaluation session, as his wife worked for the Alcohol and Drugs Service.

No whip was declared.     

151  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests received.

152  AMBULANCE COVER IN THE BRIGG AREA – discussion with representatives from East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) – The chair welcomed Simon Tomlinson, Service Delivery Manager (EMAS), Greg Cox, Operational Support Manager (EMAS) and Pete Jones, General Manager North Lincolnshire (EMAS) to the meeting.

Simon Tomlinson explained that EMAS welcomed the opportunity to address the panel once again, and circulated a report containing statistics that had been requested by the panel on a previous occasion.

It was noted that the statistics showed that there had been a marked increase in the number of calls responded to, since the introduction of the Fast Response Vehicles (FRV’s) in Brigg.  The figures confirmed that because the vehicle was not used for transportation of patients to hospital, they had more available time to spend on responding to calls.

The panel also received information on average wait times for Ambulance backup, transport rates, the response times for North Lincolnshire Category A (immediately life threatening) and B (serious but  not immediately life threatening) calls, the average response times of the FRV’s in Brigg compared to those of the double manned ambulance in 2007/2008 and also how the use of the Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service (LIVES) had been invaluable.

The panel engaged in discussion with the three representatives from EMAS, and concluded that the introduction of the two FRV’s in Brigg had improved emergency patient care and, that the availability of an emergency response in the Brigg area had increased.

The Chair passed on the congratulations to the EMAS representatives that had been received from Brigg Town Council.  These comments were welcomed and Pete Jones confirmed that whilst the initial information had been positive, they would still aspire to improve on this and would welcome the opportunity to continue the partnership work with the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel.

Resolved – (a) That the position be noted, and (b) that Simon Tomlinson, Pete Jones and Greg Cox be thanked for their attendance at the meeting and congratulated on the positive results that had been achieved.

153  (23) LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for May to August 2009.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis.  Members discussed various items on the Forward Plan.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

154  CENTRE FOR PUBLIC SCRUTINY BID – oral update – The Service Director Legal and Democratic confirmed that work continued with the review, and that the members of the sub-group had been invited to attend a seminar at the Centre for Public Scrutiny on 13 July 2009 to present their findings.

The panel was advised that further meetings were being arranged.  It was reiterated that the information relating to the review would be submitted to the full panel in due course.

Resolved – That the position be noted.