Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel – 30 March 2009

PRESENT:  Councillor Barker in the chair.

Councillors Collinson, Eckhardt, Jawaid MBE, Simpson, C Sherwood and Wells.

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

142  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS – The following member declared a personal interest in the following matter:-


Member Minute Subject & Nature of Interest
Councillor Barker


Planning and



Family member employed within the Midwifery department. 



Mr D Gillon, Scrutiny Officer on rising of the public meeting also declared a non-pecuniary interest, for matters discussed within the planning and evaluation session, as his wife worked for the Alcohol and Drugs Service.

No whip was declared.  

143  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests received.

144  OBESITY IN NORTH LINCOLSHIREUpdate for members and next stages – The Chair welcomed Barry Hutchinson, Assistant Service Director Neighbourhood and Environment to the meeting.  Members were asked to accept apologies from Dr Andrew Furber, Director of Public Health who was not able to attend the meeting.

At a previous meeting of the panel (minute 115 refers), it had been agreed that the North Lincolnshire Tackling Obesity Partnership had provided an initial list of responses to the recommendations made within the report, however had failed to formulate a more complete and definitive response to the recommendations made.  It had been agreed that more time would be given to enable the partnership to address this.

Barry Hutchinson explained that the additional time had enabled the Partnership to correlate a more satisfactory response to the recommendations made within the report and this had been welcomed.

He advised that the Strategy had been renamed ‘Healthier Eating, Active Living’, to make it more appealing to readers, but also to highlight the two important factors of tackling obesity.

The panel was advised that a number of new initiatives had also been introduced, which were outlined within the report to cabinet on 14 January 2009.

Members engaged in discussions over how the General Practitioners (GP’s) would be engaged within the process, and were advised that Dr Andrew Furber was keen to get all GP’s signed up to the plan.

Resolved – (a) That the position be noted, and (b) that members’ comments, views and concerns be passed to the Service Director Legal and Democratic to accompany the report’s submission to cabinet.

145  WORLD CLASS COMMISSIONING (WCC) – presentation by Karen Rhodes, Director of Engagement and Partnerships (Executive Nurse), NHS North Lincolnshire and Helen Varey, Chairman of NHS North Lincolnshire – The Chair welcomed Karen Rhodes and Helen Varey to the meeting and invited them to provide the panel with an overview into World Class Commissioning.

Members received a visual presentation and were advised that WCC was a new programme designed by the Department of Health.  The WCC programme would help Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) commission better services, which were closely matched to local circumstances.  This in turn would result in a better quality of care, improved health and well-being and a reduction in health inequalities.

The WCC process provided assurance reviews, which monitored the progress made to ensure that services would be transformed and improved over a long term programme.  All PCTs would receive guidance on the appropriate steps to become world class and this would be monitored and assessed against the plan.

The Strategic Plan highlighted nine specific health outcomes for particular focus as part of WCC.  It was noticed that this did not include Alcohol Misuse which was perceived to be one of the main health problems within North Lincolnshire.  The panel received assurance that this was included in the five year Strategic Plan and would be addressed.

Members engaged in further discussion with Helen Varey and Karen Rhodes and looked at the results from the initial assessment, which had identified both strengths and areas for improvement in capability and capacity.

Resolved – (a) That the position be noted, and (b) that Karen Rhodes, Director of Engagement and Partnerships (Executive Nurse), NHS North Lincolnshire and Helen Varey, Chairman of NHS North Lincolnshire be thanked for their attendance at the meeting and for their informative presentation.

146  (21) LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for April to July 2009.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis.  Members discussed various items on the Forward Plan.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

147  CENTRE FOR PUBLIC SCRUTINY BID – oral update – The Service Director Legal and Democratic confirmed that the vice-chairman and other members had met with representatives from NHS North Lincolnshire to discuss the following elements of the sub-groups brief:-

  • To consider critically how indicative GP budgets were calculated and allocated in North Lincolnshire, comparing the approach with other areas if necessary.
  • To evaluate whether historical data was a robust method of setting indicative budgets.
  • To compare budgets with Fair Shares guidance and to evaluate the potential to apply a stricter use of the guidance.
  • To map GP allocation with deprivation levels, accessibility and other factors.
  • To consider what various partners mean by the term ‘Health Inequalities’.
  • To make recommendations to the NHS North Lincolnshire and others, as deemed appropriate.

The panel was advised this had been informative, and that further meetings had been arranged.  It was reiterated that the information relating to the review would be submitted to the full panel in due course.

Resolved – That the position be noted