Scrutiny Co-ordinating Panel – 13 January 2009

PRESENT: Councillor Davison in the chair.

Councillors Clark (vice-chair), Barker, Cawsey, T Foster, Sidell, Smith, Wardle and Wilson.

62 DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS – There were no declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

63 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Panel held on 30 September 2008, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chair.

64 PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received

65 WORK PROGRAMME 2008/2009 – Update from the Chair and Vice-Chair of each scrutiny panel – The chair and vice-chair of North Lincolnshire Council’s four scrutiny panels were invited to provided the committee with a brief update on recent work completed and future work to be undertaken by their panels.

Councillors Barker and Sidell, chair and vice-chair of the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel, also informed members that their panel had been successful in its bid for approximately £4000 grant funding from the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) following submission of project details in support a proposed specific scrutiny review. The project would review ‘The inverse care law and links between Practice Based Commissioning, deprivation and health inequalities’ and run alongside current work carried out by the panel. The review would be carried out by a sub-group of three members chaired by the vice-chair, together with representatives of North Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust and others as identified by the group. The review was likely to take approximately four to five months.

Resolved – (a) That the position be noted, and (b) that the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel and supporting scrutiny officer be congratulated on the above successful bid.

66 (5) OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2008/09 – Further to minute 50, the Service Director Legal and Democratic submitted ‘Overview and Scrutiny Performance Indicators for 2008/09’ as at quarter three for the year.

He explained that all targets were likely to be met for the year, although this would require all panels to undertake examination of elements of the council’s Performance Management Framework (indicator 3b refers) now that relevant information and reporting processes were available to them.

Resolved – That the current position be noted.

67 (6) PERFORMANCE MONITORING – SCRUTINY AND THE LOCAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP – The Service Director Legal and Democratic submitted details of a proposed reporting process for the monitoring of national and Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) performance indicators/targets by the council’s scrutiny panels. The process had been discussed and agreed with Matt Cridge, Manager of the Local Strategic Partnership and Nigel Manders, Performance Manager.

It was proposed that monitoring information relating to the defined themes of the Local Area Agreement (LAA), managed by the Local Strategic Partnership, be reported to corresponding scrutiny panels for overview on a quarterly basis (this was after consideration by the LSP). A sub-group (minimum of three members) of the relevant panel could carry out the performance monitoring work with any recommended action being approved by the full panel. Communications could also be fed from the panel to the LSP through the LSP Manager. Progress reports would be submitted to the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Panel (SCP).

It was also proposed that monitoring of corporate quarterly performance review (QPR) reports be considered by the full Economic Development and Corporate Issues Scrutiny Panel, with any other overview and scrutiny panel member (including statutory co-opted members) being able to attend under the council’s procedure rule (37b)

Members asked questions on proposed workloads and potential outcomes, which the Service Director responded to.

Recommended to Council – (a) That the proposed reporting process for monitoring of national and LSP performance indicators/targets by the council’s scrutiny panels be approved; (b) that panels determine the size and membership of their own sub-groups to undertake performance monitoring work on a quarterly basis, this should at least be a minimum of 3 members including the chair and vice-chair of the panel; (c) that any recommended action arising from the work of sub-groups be reported to and approved by the full panel; (d) that any communications from the panel to the LSP be submitted through the LSP Manager; (e) that progress reports be submitted to the SCP; (f) that monitoring of corporate quarterly performance review reports be considered by the full Economic Development and Corporate Issues Scrutiny Panel, with any other overview and scrutiny panel member (including statutory co-opted members) being able to attend under the council’s procedure rule (37b), and (g) that this reporting process and arrangements be considered at the next meeting of scrutiny panels.