Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel – 3 November 2009

PRESENT:- Councillor Barker in the chair.

Councillors Wells (Vice-Chairman), Cawsey, Collinson, Eckhardt, Sidell and Simpson.

Councillors Briggs and Smith attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

191 DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

192 PUBLIC SPEAKING REQUESTS BY PRIOR NOTICE – There were no requests received.

193 (7) PERFORMANCE MONITORING – QUARTER 1 LOCAL AREA AGREEMENT DATA (WHIP BOARD) – The Chair welcomed Frances Cunning, the Director of Public Health, Wendy Brownbridge, the Deputy Director of Public Health, Councillor Carlile, Cabinet Member Adult Services, Mike Briggs, Service Director – Adult Social Care and Steve Mercer, Health Improvement and Partnerships Manager to the meeting. The Chair explained that scrutiny had a duty to monitor how local bodies and partnerships were performing against local and national health and social care indicators, and to hold decision makers to account. Wendy and Mike were then invited to present the quarter 1 data. Members discussed local performance and asked questions on issues such as direct payments, health inequalities and Stop Smoking services.

Resolved – (a) That the witnesses be thanked for attending the meeting, (b) that the position be noted, and (c) that when the quarter 2 data is available, relevant witnesses be invited to a future meeting of the panel.

194 (8 & 9) SERVICE INSPECTION OF ADULT SOCIAL CARE AND NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE SAFEGUARDING ADULTS BOARD ANNUAL REPORT – Councillor Carlile, Cabinet Member Adult Services and Mike Briggs, Service Director, Adult Social Care were invited to comment on the above recent reports.

Mike explained that the service had experienced an in depth and rigorous inspection from the Care Quality Commission. The results and comments made within the Inspection Report outlined what was perceived to be an accurate and true representation of adult social care within North Lincolnshire.

The panel was advised that the report had not highlighted anything unexpected and that an action plan had already been approved to address and deliver many of the recommendations. It was deemed that, overall, the report was pleasing and highlighted that there were promising prospects within the service.

Members discussed the recommendations and requested answers on issues such as adaptations, the availability of short breaks and respite services, and the use of advocacy services.

The panel then referred to the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report. Members enquired as to whether the preferred option in future years would be to present the report to both the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel and the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Panel. Mike Briggs confirmed that he would present the details to both panels if requested.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

195 PROMOTING THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL EMPLOYEES – (i) Discussion with Pete Williams, Service Director, Asset Management and Culture and Tom Coburn, Head of Sports Facilities – The Chair welcomed Pete Williams and Tom Coburn to the meeting and provided a brief overview of the review, and asked for an update on how the Council was progressing with the promotion of health and wellbeing for its staff and elected members, through leisure services.

Tom Coburn explained what had previously been achieved and also provided details of the plans for the future development of sport, play and leisure. He added that there were a couple of areas that required further improvement, these included the promotion of corporate health and fitness membership in the local leisure centres and also the active ageing project. Members were advised that both of these schemes were aimed at encouraging people to engage in some form of physical fitness for thirty minutes at least five times a week.

Further areas for discussion included the free swimming incentive for the over sixty’s and the use of a positive role model to promote this, the additional funding that had been secured to enable non-swimmers to also attend these sessions and benefit from free swimming lessons. The Lets get Moving campaign that had recently been launched would be driven by NHS North Lincolnshire.

Recommendations were suggested and duly noted.

Resolved – (a) That Pete Williams, Service Director, Asset Management and Culture and Tom Coburn, Head of Sports Facilities be thanked for their input and attendance at the meeting, and (b) that the position be noted.
(ii) Next Stages – The Service Director Legal and Democratic confirmed the details of arrangements made for scheduled meetings and also details of the site visit to the Kimberly Clark factory at Barton upon Humber. He also reported that due to time constraints it would not be possible for the panel to co-opt a member from the Trade Unions, however they were happy to speak to the panel at some point during the review.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

196 (10) LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN – NOVEMBER 2009 TO FEBRUARY 2010 – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for November 2009 to February 2010.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis. Members discussed various items on the Forward Plan.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

197 ALTERATIONS TO THE REPEAT PRESCRIPTION SYSTEM IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Chair advised members that he had evidence that the repeat prescription system had recently been changed to allow only one months worth of medication to be prescribed at any time. He explained that he had heard that this had caused difficulties for certain people who were going away on holiday and had been unable to obtain their full medical supplies for the duration.

It was agreed that a representative from NHS North Lincolnshire be invited to attend a future meeting to explain the recent changes in more detail, why the system had been changed, whether the system was being monitored and whether it was successful.

Resolved – That a representative from NHS North Lincolnshire be invited to attend a future meeting.

198 INVERSE CARE LAW – draft report – The Service Director Legal and Democratic confirmed that the draft report had almost been completed and that this would be presented to the panel for the consideration of conclusions and recommendations.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

199 INDEPENDENT LIVING SEMINAR – The Service Director Legal and Democratic provided further details of a free seminar entitled ‘Keep Safe, Keep Warm and Keep Well’ that would be held on 17 November 2009 at Scunthorpe Baptist Church, Ashby Road. All members would be welcome to attend.

Resolved – That the information be noted.