Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel – 8 September 2009

PRESENT:  Councillor Barker in the chair.

Councillors Wells (Vice-Chairman), Collinson, Eckhardt, Sidell, Simpson, Smith.

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

177  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

178  PUBLIC SPEAKING REQUESTS BY PRIOR NOTICE – The Service Director, Legal and Democratic informed the panel that a public speaking request that had been received had now been withdrawn and was likely to be arranged for a future date.

179  NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – THE COMMISSIONING STRATEGY FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES AND THE PROPOSED INTEGRATED HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE CENTRE  – The panel received two presentations from a delegation from NHS North Lincolnshire, consisting of Helen Varey, Karen Fanthorpe, Caroline Briggs, Geoff Day, Sian Carnell and Jane Ellington.  The first presentation was about future arrangements for delivery and commissioning of community NHS services.  NHS North Lincolnshire, like all PCTs, has a legal responsibility to ensure a clear separation between its commissioning and delivery arms, and Caroline explained the approach that was being implemented locally through the agreement of a strategy.  Members asked questions about the financial implications, the potential for savings, private sector provision and staffing issues.

Geoff Daythen updated the panel on progress towards the provision of a Integrated Health and Social Care Centre in Scunthorpe.  Geoff explained that NHS North Lincolnshire was now looking to submit business and engagement plans to its Board and to the Strategic Health Authority, and to begin an extensive programme of consultation.  Steps to go through the planning system were ongoing, and a commitment to keep the scrutiny panel informed was given.  The representatives from NHS North Lincolnshire then answered members’ questions about engagement methods, GP coverage, public transportation and parking.

Following further discussion and questions, the Chair thanked the representatives from NHS North Lincolnshire for their contribution.

Resolved – (a) That all representatives from NHS North Lincolnshire be thanked for attending the meeting, (b) that further updates be provided to the scrutiny panel on a regular basis.

180  FUTURE WORK PROGRAMME – Members considered their priorities for inclusion on their work programme for 2009/10.  The panel agreed to establish a sub-group consisting of Cllrs Barker, Sidell and Wells to monitor progress on recommendations contained within the panel’s 2007 report on hospital discharge.  After further discussion, the panel also agreed a long list of topics for further scoping and investigation, prior to a decision by the panel.  These topics were dementia, the health and wellbeing of North Lincolnshire Council employees and local contingency planning for influenza, including swine flu.  The panel also agreed to complete the ongoing work on GP budgets and health inequalities, and to continue to satisfy their other agreed work and statutory requirements.

Resolved – (a) That the Service Director, Legal and Democratic begin to prepare background information on the above topics to present to members at their next meeting, and (b) that a sub-group meeting be arranged with appropriate witnesses to discuss hospital discharge, feeding back to the full panel as appropriate.

181  (4)  LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN –SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2009 – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for September to December 2009.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis.  Members discussed various items on the Forward Plan.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

182  ADDED ITEM – The Chair discussed the recent inspection of Adult Social Care, and recommended to the panel that the Service Director, Adult Services be invited to a future meeting to discuss this when the report is published.

Resolved – That the Service Director, Adult Services be invited to a future meeting to discuss the report when it is published by the Care Quality Commission.