Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Panel – 13 October 2009

PRESENT: Councillor Davison in the Chair.

Councillors Waltham (vice-chair), Ali, Armitage, Clark, Ellerby and T Foster.

Councillors Smith attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37(b).

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

188 DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – The following members declared personal interest in the following matters: –

Nature of Interest
Councillor Armitage 191 Member of Humberside Fire Authority
Councillor Ellerby 192 Landlord

No whip was declared.

189 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on 29 September 2009, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the chair.

190 PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received.

191 LOCAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP – THEME QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR COMMUNITY RESILIENCE BOARD – The chair informed the meeting that Overview and Scrutiny had a prominent role in the Government’s New Performance Framework for Local Authorities and Local Authority Partnerships’. This included scrutiny panels selecting, examining and holding the council’s cabinet and North Lincolnshire Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) to account for the performance of 198 national indicators and Local Area Agreement Indicators (LAA).

Consequently, Tony Parrott, Community Risk Manager for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service and the theme lead for the Community Resilience Board had been invited to the meeting to discuss the newly established Community Resilience Board.

Members were informed that the rationale for the creation of this new Board was the need to bring workstreams related to community safety and the resilience of our communities together for the purposes of reporting progress against the relevant performance indicators to the LSP Board.

This included the relevant LAA targets, identifying problem areas, ensuring delivery against key action plans of these workstreams and providing challenge where necessary.

Members were informed of the Board’s priorities and the timescale for the implementation of the action plans that will deliver the priorities.

Members then engaged in a discussion with the thematic lead on the role and work streams of the Community Resilience Board.

Resolved – (a) That the information be noted, and (b) that Mr Parrott be thanked for his attendance and for answering members’ questions.

192 (10) LOCAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP – QUARTER 1 – THEME QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY BOARD – The Chair welcomed Tony Edwards (Chair), Jan Clark (vice-chair) and Tim Allen (thematic lead) for the Environment and Sustainability Board to the meeting.

Mr Edwards informed the meeting that the council took its corporate responsibility in respect of climate change seriously and was developing some strict Local Public Service Agreement targets in the next round. In addition the council and its partners were working with neighbouring authorities to develop regional targets. The council had already been active in this area. Many innovative schemes had been put in place and more were in the pipeline.

Mrs Clark added that sustainable development was about integrating and improving environmental, economic and social outcomes for the present and for future generations. Sustainable community was at the heart of the Sustainable Community Strategy. The principles of sustainable development had been woven into the Local Area Agreement (LAA) to encourage individuals and communities to make choices that would improve quality of life in the area. This was a priority for each of the Thematic Partnerships of the LAA.

Members received information on all relevant performance indicators, were advised on those measures that were currently showing concern, those that were achieving good results and what key actions were being considered to improve on current performance in the required areas.

Members then engaged in a discussion with the chair, vice-chair and thematic lead for the Environment and Sustainability Board.

Resolved – (a) That the information be noted; (b) that Mr Edwards, Mrs Clark and Mr Allen be thanked for their attendance and for answering members questions, and (c) that the chair write on behalf of the scrutiny panel to the chair of the Local Strategic Partnership advising him of the scrutiny panel’s concern with regard to accessibility of the performance papers; communication; and the presentation of the data.

193 (11) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE SAFEGUARDING ADULTS BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 2008/09 – The Service Director Adult Social Care submitted the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2008/09.

The Service Director informed the meeting that all councils had a delegated duty to work in partnership to establish systems and services to protect vulnerable people from abuse. The council discharged its duties through the Safeguarding Adults Board. The Board comprised senior representatives from all partner organisations and was chaired by the Director of Adult Social Services.

Cabinet, at its meeting on 23 March 2007, agreed that the annual report be scrutinised by the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Panel.

The report set out progress over the last year. There had been a planned increase in public awareness resulting in far greater prominence in North Lincolnshire. Stronger links had been formed with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, sharing ideas and experiences.

The council had also taken a major step forward in publicly declaring a zero-tolerance of adult abuse, and adopting a groundbreaking corporate carer scheme. This saw councillors and officers taking on a similar role to their existing corporate parents duties to children in care.

Members then engaged in a discussion with the Service Director Adult Social Care on the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2008/09.

Resolved – (a) That the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2008/09 be noted; (b) that the Service Director be thanked for his attendance and for answering members questions, and (c) that the chair of the scrutiny panel liaise with the Service Director on the issues discussed at the meeting.

194 (12) SCRUTINY OF CRIME AND DISORDER MATTERS – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated a draft protocol that set out the principles governing the way that the scrutiny panel would fulfil the requirements of the Police and Justice Act 2006, with regard to the successful scrutiny of Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships.

The protocol had been considered by the panel at its meeting on 15 September 2009. Members agreed that the protocol should be considered by the Safer Neighbourhoods Strategy Board (SNSB).

The protocol was considered by the SNSB at its meeting on 24 September 2009. The Board formally agreed to sign up to the principles contained in the protocol, subject to two amendments.

The Service Director explained the amendments and answered members’ questions on the protocol.

Recommended to Council – (a) That the Scrutiny of Crime and Disorder Partnerships protocol be approved and included in the Council’s constitution, and (b) that relevant partners be forwarded a copy of the protocol for their information.

195 (13) LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN – OCTOBER 2009 TO JANUARY 2010 – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for October 2009 to January 2010.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis. Members discussed various items on the Forward Plan.

Resolved – That the Leader of the Council’s Forward Plan for October 2009 to January 2010 be noted.

196 ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for discussion at this meeting.